Ok i make this post here cuz i dont know where else to cry... I didnt use Honorbuddy or anykind of professional bots i used simple clicker.So here is my story my main account pandaria account got banned for using gatherbuddy like 2 months ago,i botted on my lvl 90 mage for like 2 weeks and i got banhammered.Then i admited botting and cryed in the ticket and they reduced the ban to 72 hours.1 week ago i started lvling battle chests i made 5 lvl 85 chars 3 of them were rdy to be used for farming with the clicker and ofc i "botted" with them for like 2-3 days the other 2 lvl 85 chars were totaly clean.Yesterday i logged on my mage and found out that my mage got banhammered AGAIN for Abuse of Economy stating that:This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency.On my main i never inteded to sell gold...i loved playing my mage i didnt do anything like botting or selling gold after my 1st ban, i mean even before that i didnt even think of selling gold.So the next day(today) before going to work i purchased brand new battlechest ,created lvl 1 char and left to work.After i came back i saw that my appeal was rejected on my main account,than i logged with 1 of the lvl 85 accounts and saw its banned,then i checked all my accounts and the result was the same all banned for Abuse of Economy even the accounts i didnt used clicker...The emails i recieved from blizzard were recieved at 5 pm for all 5 accounts stating the same reason...Then i logged with my Brand New Battlechest and voala the new bc got banhammered too email recieved again at 5 pm stating the same :Abuse of Economy.And the thing im wondering is how exacly did i abuse the economy with new acc which has lvl 1 char that isnt out of starter edition???All my accounts got banhammered 1st was the mage on the next day 5 lvl 85 accounts and 1 with lvl 1 char on it...How is this possible now im appealing on mage and the lvl 1 didnt started apealing yet on the lvl 85 chars...Thats my sad story.