lets explain a little bit beter what VPN is:
Virtual Private Network, A network over internet which u can connect to get access to some services behind normally a firewall. What we use from this network is the gateway/proxy services. This to hide your own IP adres on internet. This hides where you are coming from initially so that it looks like your are coming from the same network as the VPN gateway. nothing more nothing less. this WILL hide your mac adress. Mac adres is used in the ARP table for your local network not the internet.
other connecting parties will see the mac adres of your vpn gateways external interface. Not your computer and not your VM. the only way the other party will see your VMs mac is when you are connecting to the internet directly from the VM without a router/gateway/nat firewall. there are other cases like 1on1 NATs but im assuming its not the case.
VPN's will not hide your MAC address, they only spoof your IP and ISP location which is hard to trace back so it wasn't the fact the VPN was bad or the VM you were using was bad, it was simply the fact your MAC address was integrated into your VM's which the VPN does not spoof. You have to manually spoof your MAC address.
this is nonsense
Nojoke is partially right about the "base mac" If u let VMware generate a new mac.. it will have the vmware ID and the ID of your vmware server generated into it.. so only if you are using other software to generate a new mac on your VMs you will generate something unique.. still this will only apply when blizzard checks mac adresses via the gameclient. noone read my first post I guess.. I suggest looking up the link to the vmware article about how they generate "unique" macs
if the VPN gateway uses NAT to provide internet (a conventional setup in mind) 1 external network card with an ip adres and its own mac for all your internal machines.. may they be vms or actual hardware. it will rewrite your packets as if they where coming from that IP and network card..
So long story short and from a network point of view. If you are NOT directly connected to the internet.. changing/spoofing the mac adres on your Virtual Machine is not needed (
read this)..
all still boils down to the same thing.. there are some things u cant control in this setup or you just fail to see due to inexperience..
- if you are using a paid vpn service you have no control over who else is using it to connect to the internet. for all you know its being used by 45 others farming dungeons 24/7.
- Blizzard might just have blacklisted ranges from known vpn providers that botters are known to use.
- Blizzard might just see the vmware hardware via the game client..
- vpn provides a false sense of security. You are only hiding the real you but not that you're up to no good.
all these things just make you look suspicious.. why would you use a VPN.. why do you run vmware?
Im making a bunch of assumptions and making educated guesses what your exact setup looks like.. fact of the mather is we dont know what blizzard really checks in the end.