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BANNED 7 OF 9. All in diferents IP's at the same hour 4:02pm


New Member
Oct 22, 2014
(3 Questings) (3 farmers) and (1 gold seller)

"ABUSE OF ECONOMY" but all in hiden ip for vpns.

Lost all the questings and farmers in the same Hour and minutes, 4:02pm, sometime rare, because all have diferents IPS,mac adress,PCname,paypal mail adress.
The gold seller account was banned a day ago maybe 16hours before but... the accounts send the gold to the gold sell account for hours after the ban (I did not know that he had been banned) I was invicted of banned for 2-4 months maybe more..

If you have tips or other thing for evade MULTI BANS please help.
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That's a way to evade auto bans and most warden bans if done correctly, but you can't fool a GM that does a manual investigation - he only has to look at logs and doesn't care what IP ur on :p
That's a way to evade auto bans and most warden bans if done correctly, but you can't fool a GM that does a manual investigation - he only has to look at logs and doesn't care what IP ur on :p
Its true, but why the questing accounts? questing acc never received or interacted in any way with the farmers
You used them all with tunneling service only? But still on same PC?
Were they related with guildbanks and stuff?

Since you lost the goldtrader account several hours ago, its pretty obvious you got a visit from a GM, so he could easily track you down that way.
You used them all with tunneling service only? But still on same PC?
Were they related with guildbanks and stuff?

Since you lost the goldtrader account several hours ago, its pretty obvious you got a visit from a GM, so he could easily track you down that way.
All in diferents VM in the same pc, I USE VMWARE and throught VPN with diferents IP and locations, No guild Banks I trade the gold ingame mail for months. Only 1 farmers account not was banned, but all the questings "3" yes, I dont understand how blizzard cach the questing too... the questings are "incocent" and how see my accounts through vpn :S
well public VPNs or VPN providers and their IP ranges arent really a big secret. it can easily be documented by blizzard to filter out bots accounts instantly.

a common misconception here.. A VPN is NOT a magic cloaking device. It could just as easily be a big jumbo sign on your forehead that you are "trying to hide something".

it will only hide your real IP.. but if you are coming from the same range as 1500 other buddy users or previously banned accounts... u are fucked.. you need clean IP ranges noone has ever used with banned wow accounts before. It would explain for instance: "weird 4/7 got banned why not the other 3/7" maybe that VPN external adres isnt blacklisted by blizzard?

another "foolproof" protection is vmware..

for example... yes you can run it on another "pc"' but u dont seem to understand is that vmware uses VMWARE hardware inside their virtual machines.. network cards like vmxnet and their "unique" mac adresses They can see if you are running vmware if you arent prudent enough. Noone wants to play wow on a virtual machine because that would perform horrible. so vmware is also not a security measure. This point is debateable seeing they arent allowed to invade our privacy etc. But Hardware IDs is probably something different then actually scanning your harddrives for "addons"

End of the story is.. we dont know exactly blizzard does to find us. But imho a vpn or vm is a nice lead to filter on. what you hopefully achieve with all this stuff is hiding the the real you and your real hardware.. but it definitely shows you are trying to hide something..

i made some assumptions in this post which of course are all open to endless debate ;) I just wanted to put it out there that some "precautions" actually couldnt be farther away from the truth when employed without due dilligence.
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All in diferents VM in the same pc, I USE VMWARE and throught VPN with diferents IP and locations, No guild Banks I trade the gold ingame mail for months. Only 1 farmers account not was banned, but all the questings "3" yes, I dont understand how blizzard cach the questing too... the questings are "incocent" and how see my accounts through vpn :S
As mentioned in your other thread, its probably the shared Wow installation, for the sole reason its Blizzards property, and they have perfect rights to do whatever they want with it, aka linking different accounts via the same install.

About the questing accounts, doesnt matter really, when you are caught selling gold, its not related to botting at all.
^This right here
Am I missing something? He said separate VM's which implies unique WoW installations on all the VM's. If he copied the same install to all the VM's I guess that could be his mistake. But if he did individual downloads it shouldn't be a factor. Or is that not how it works?
This is coming from a network engineer that secondaries in computer science.

When you use a VM rather you use a VPN or not you're still on the same PC which provides the same MAC address to each VM you create. Your MAC address is applied to your network card inside of your computer.

With this said, you can spoof the MAC address while botting so you can appeal the accounts for a suspension instead, however, it's too late for that.

You can use any VPN you want, rename the VM's computer name to anything you want but the network card that's installed inside your computer is integrated into the VM itself so you have a base connection that's why all were caught at once.

I wish you the best of luck getting a suspension on the banker account at least.


VPN's will not hide your MAC address, they only spoof your IP and ISP location which is hard to trace back so it wasn't the fact the VPN was bad or the VM you were using was bad, it was simply the fact your MAC address was integrated into your VM's which the VPN does not spoof. You have to manually spoof your MAC address.
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This is coming from a network engineer that secondaries in computer science.

When you use a VM rather you use a VPN or not you're still on the same PC which provides the same MAC address to each VM you create. Your MAC address is applied to your network card inside of your computer.

With this said, you can spoof the MAC address while botting so you can appeal the accounts for a suspension instead, however, it's too late for that.

You can use any VPN you want, rename the VM's computer name to anything you want but the network card that's installed inside your computer is integrated into the VM itself so you have a base connection that's why all were caught at once.

I wish you the best of luck getting a suspension on the banker account at least.


VPN's will not hide your MAC address, they only spoof your IP and ISP location which is hard to trace back so it wasn't the fact the VPN was bad or the VM you were using was bad, it was simply the fact your MAC address was integrated into your VM's which the VPN does not spoof. You have to manually spoof your MAC address.

I changue the MAC for all VM dialy with a program, but that can evade my mass ban at the same time for alls.
NAT shared the mac adress with all vm connections? ANYONE?
Well as far as I know it must of been shared. I do not know your settings on your VM nor do I know any further specific information regarding your setup.

What I do know is they did catch you one way or another and it wasn't because of your VM or VPN. As I said before, it was MAC address related or something along those lines. It could also have something to do with the VM's being linked which creates a temporary partition tree which could cause other data to be stored in the partitions as backup granting access to specific hardware and/or software however, that may not be the case.

The theory I stated above is just an idea. I believe we'd need to know a bit more information about your setup in detail, preferably screenshots hiding your identity to assist you with this matter on hand. The more information we have the further we can assist you in figuring out how you were caught.

However, the whole point behind getting banned is appealing the ban to obtain a suspension instead on your main account if you're botting on multiple accounts. I would suggest gathering more information about your setup and mail Blizzards customer support regarding the account that really matters, no other account, and attempt to get it suspended instead of banned.
I changue the MAC for all VM dialy with a program, but that can evade my mass ban at the same time for alls.
To add on to what I said due to the fact that I read over it so here it goes.

That's because it simply masks the MAC address, it doesn't fully change it seeing it's integrated into your network card inside of your computer. Spoofing makes it difficult, but the MAC address that's assigned to your computer that's 100% unique is applied when you create a VM to have a base connection as said before.

Therefore, you can spoof the MAC but it won't make a huge difference in the end seeing your base MAC is still there. It's best to use a VPS to bot on if you're doing this on multiple accounts so you'd have a whole different server running the bots for you and if you do get caught you can simply say (if you logged in previously) that your account was hijacked-- they will believe it if you're using a VPS.

VPS prices range, but for WoW botting I'd say you'd be looking at the $20-$50/month range for casual botting assuming you don't know how VPS's work or how to run a VPS. I'd say it's worth looking into, it gets cheaper if you know what you're doing with them so you can make something work off a cheap server.

Look up VPS's and check burst.net (VPS provider/DSP provider) for a decent VPS. Out of all the sites that offer hosting for VPS's, I found that burst's is by far the best for your buck. As long as you do not do anything illegal, you're clear to go (e.g. using the server for a botnet). Botting is not against the companies rules nor is it against the law. The worst that can happen is your account is banned and on the up side, you keep your VPS while appealing for just a suspension.

For safe botting, that's the key to success in my opinion.

I'm sorry I haven't been clear with everything but it's kinda hard to explain all of this without writing a book so if you have specific questions feel free to ask them. :)
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What get's done is that a GM look into what the account is doing. IT does not take more then a look into the mail and bank/guild inputs to recognize what accounts. The GM is probably looking for gold miners and know most set up one account to sell and stuff that does not do wrong, but get banned because of the use...

Banning sucks though...
lets explain a little bit beter what VPN is:

Virtual Private Network, A network over internet which u can connect to get access to some services behind normally a firewall. What we use from this network is the gateway/proxy services. This to hide your own IP adres on internet. This hides where you are coming from initially so that it looks like your are coming from the same network as the VPN gateway. nothing more nothing less. this WILL hide your mac adress. Mac adres is used in the ARP table for your local network not the internet.

other connecting parties will see the mac adres of your vpn gateways external interface. Not your computer and not your VM. the only way the other party will see your VMs mac is when you are connecting to the internet directly from the VM without a router/gateway/nat firewall. there are other cases like 1on1 NATs but im assuming its not the case.

VPN's will not hide your MAC address, they only spoof your IP and ISP location which is hard to trace back so it wasn't the fact the VPN was bad or the VM you were using was bad, it was simply the fact your MAC address was integrated into your VM's which the VPN does not spoof. You have to manually spoof your MAC address.
this is nonsense

Nojoke is partially right about the "base mac" If u let VMware generate a new mac.. it will have the vmware ID and the ID of your vmware server generated into it.. so only if you are using other software to generate a new mac on your VMs you will generate something unique.. still this will only apply when blizzard checks mac adresses via the gameclient. noone read my first post I guess.. I suggest looking up the link to the vmware article about how they generate "unique" macs

if the VPN gateway uses NAT to provide internet (a conventional setup in mind) 1 external network card with an ip adres and its own mac for all your internal machines.. may they be vms or actual hardware. it will rewrite your packets as if they where coming from that IP and network card..

So long story short and from a network point of view. If you are NOT directly connected to the internet.. changing/spoofing the mac adres on your Virtual Machine is not needed (read this)..

all still boils down to the same thing.. there are some things u cant control in this setup or you just fail to see due to inexperience..
- if you are using a paid vpn service you have no control over who else is using it to connect to the internet. for all you know its being used by 45 others farming dungeons 24/7.
- Blizzard might just have blacklisted ranges from known vpn providers that botters are known to use.
- Blizzard might just see the vmware hardware via the game client..
- vpn provides a false sense of security. You are only hiding the real you but not that you're up to no good.

all these things just make you look suspicious.. why would you use a VPN.. why do you run vmware?

Im making a bunch of assumptions and making educated guesses what your exact setup looks like.. fact of the mather is we dont know what blizzard really checks in the end.