I hardly ever play world of warcraft as I am busy in real life. I log in about once every two weeks or so for about 30 minutes. I run garrison buddy while watching my game play and log out. I found out today I have a 6 month suspension. Whoop-de-do. Dont really care and was going to cancel my account anyway as I dont even play the game. Logging in once every two weeks for thirty minutes and suspended. I am probably the weakest botter on here who hardly ever plays and when I do its not more than 30 minutes. I am suspended. I think its safe to say this program is busted. Take your money and bail, the jig is up. You had a good run. If I got banned for playing an hour every month (if that) and didnt even know I was banned until two weeks after it happened I think its safe to say this program is a bust. If I were you I would close up shop. I'm not mad I actually thought it was funny. Account created in 2004, its 2015 I am too busy in life to sit on my computer all day long. Either way. Have fun and good luck. Hope this helps.