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Banned 16/4 2/2, Yesterday 22/4 2/2 NEW Accounts banned again


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy-> Gatherbuddy
2)If so, when was the last time?: Yesterday during the ban

3)What profile were you using?: Gatherit paid profiles

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular / FPS druid

5)What plugins are you using?: mr itemremover / druidgatherhelper / heartstone plugin
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?~ 12-15hour a day

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 80%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: none

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Never ever.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No.

10)EU or US realm? EU.

11) Not SoR accounts, legally paid.


sorry first for bad english.

I got banned on 16/4 with my 2 bot-accounts which running smooth 7 months without problems. I appealed and reverted the ban. I leveled 2 new accounts and they dinged 2two days ago.
They leveled herbalism/mining with professionbuddy and since yesterday they were ready to work with. I monitored they besides my normal PC-work and after I go to sleep I let them run for 2 hours alone.

Now I wake up and both are banned.
Well, I dont expected this ban so early. I hadnt even time to make the accounts worth.

Dunno whats make them banned, maybe coz Itemremover deleted Water/Lifespirits every 5 min? Maybe because I newly use Gatherit-Paid profiles and my nph was insane (i never had 250-300 nph before).

Well, I am a bit frustrated atm. Dunno what Iam doing wrong. Dunno if its worth to level 2 new again.

A friend of mine has 22 Bots running with hidden ip and with hidden mac-adress. He survived.

Dunno if they monitor my mac adress or IP, well i havent 20 bots, only 2 at time which gather, no clue if its worth to hide my ass from now.

The email came for both accounts at same time; 18:27.

I will appeal them again, but no use for that accounts anymore than. Dunno what i shall do with them.
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A friend of mine has 22 Bots running with hidden ip and with hidden mac-adress. He survived.

How u can hide your IP / MAC ? Thats not possible or do you mean, that your friend use Proxeeee and VM?s ?
I had a curious moment, i was herbing in jade forrest and my character was "ported" again and again to the same point of the map and took everytime the same way away from the "point" I were ported in(that wasn a port into a house to test unstuck mechanics) .

If somebody is raiding atm. maybe knows the "lag" when u release your corpse after a wipe in throne of thunder, u move forward from the grave and u get teleported back to the spirithealer. I cannot imagine that the thing in jade forrest was the same, coz it happens over and over again, im curious what happened now, i stopped it unfortunaly and logged out.
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I had a curious moment, i was herbing in jade forrest and my character was "ported" again and again to the same point of the map and took everytime the same way away from the "point" I were ported in(that wasn a port into a house to test unstuck mechanics) .

If somebody is raiding atm. maybe knows the "lag" when u release your corpse after a wipe in throne of thunder, u move forward from the grave and u get teleported back to the spirithealer. I cannot imagine that the thing in jade forrest was the same, coz it happens over and over again, im curious what happened now, i stopped it unfortunaly and logged out.
Sounds like a GM was watching you and porting you around to see what your char would do. Most likely a ban coming your way. Let us know.
Sounds like a GM was watching you and porting you around to see what your char would do. Most likely a ban coming your way. Let us know.

Yep, a random portal means GM intervention.
It's a fail-safe method to detect bots, since those silly things do one thing best : being consistent in behaviour.

Happy botting :)
Not sure why people are using paid/public gathering profiles - it's been stated over and over to make your own.
Got also ported in Jade forrest, lucky me i played myself. Didn't recieve a ban yet... hope I dont get one later
I thought it was common knowledge now that Blizzard will log IPs of accounts that have been suspended for botting. They keep a closer eye on that IP for botting behaviors, so unless you changed it, I'm not that surprised you lost your accounts. Even without all that, going 15 hours a day, using a bot that has been getting banned left and right already, I'm still not surprised.
how uve been ported? like me or in other way?

It was like beeing pulled back.. i came through the Portal und walked up to fly to vo4w, Suddenly my toon was pulled through the ground back to the Portal to og

Pretty weird
It was like beeing pulled back.. i came through the Portal und walked up to fly to vo4w, Suddenly my toon was pulled through the ground back to the Portal to og

Pretty weird

Yep .. a GM can pick you up and drop you anywhere in the world.
An excellent way to check whether the toon is being operated by a human being or a bot.
It was like beeing pulled back.. i came through the Portal und walked up to fly to vo4w, Suddenly my toon was pulled through the ground back to the Portal to og

Pretty weird

ye 'pulled back' describes it very well, also by me.

and sherlock: thank you for your opinion, but no one is surprised here
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Those random TPs happened to me on few ocasions while I was in BG (thx god I wasn't using BGbuddy at that time) but yes, random TP around the area/world does mean a GM is "testing" you. If you are botter and if you are afk (you will be banned yes) your char will constantly go in 1 direction, lets say you are on spot A and he TPs you to spot B and you char goes in direction C. Then he TPs you again after few sec to spot B and if you go again in direction C they can either repeat it few times or give you ban right after 2nd TP. So be careful, if you see sth wierd just hit space (atleast it's space for me) to stop the bot and run manualy in random direction or jump on spot / HS / Use unstuck, if you are crazy enough like me you can use /s GM stop fcking with me. xd
So I think my Account is flagged, am I right? Is there a guarantee of getting a ban? Because I didn't run HB for about 5-6 Days now and I won't run it anymore on my Account..
they banned the accounts again on 22/5, recognized it today, coz honorbuddy was down anyways.

Just to be curious, the accounts hadnt the same name, werent payed in the same way, they were never online "together" (but same ip), they always banned the accounts on exact the same day / same time. Lost again 3 accounts.
After the first ban, i bottet 1 h a day.
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Not sure why people are using paid/public gathering profiles - it's been stated over and over to make your own.

Down to a tee... all fairness better off using public ones than paid ones as I have seen few less people using paid profiles but more of them getting banned and gatherit profiles I have heard of mass bans wouldn't go near them profiles with a barge pole if u had any sense!