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Banned 1 account, 'mayhem' ..


New Member
Jan 12, 2014
Hey, I dont know how to spell it ... BUT I WANTED TO BAN THIS ACCOUNT...

Goods facts~

Yesterday I bought an account with a DK ilvl 571 for 50 USD ... then the guy is trying to recovery it...so I decide to ban it...after 2 hour of gathering herbs at jade florest I got banned...

The point: the gm was answering an ticket made by the real owner of the account, then he check the account and banned it...


Or it got banned because the owner reported it hacked and gave proof it was theirs and you probably got an IP/hardware ban so it could be returned to the owner? Gathering has nothing to do with it is my point.
Or it got banned because the owner reported it hacked and gave proof it was theirs and you probably got an IP/hardware ban so it could be returned to the owner? Gathering has nothing to do with it is my point.

most likely they just gave the account back to the owner
no...I just wake up, and I still got the account...

All Gm's answered to him "the account have not been hacked, it's ok' ...

and the email got the ban for using bot...

it was using gatherit at jade florest for like 1 hour till be banned...

so GM knows 100% when you bot!! ITS SO BAAAAAD NEWWS

I just did CHECK MATE ... I answered an ticket that him opened...Saying that my brother(new age then me), is trying to 'thief' my account, becouse im not allowing him anymore to play on it...becouse he cheat...

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so I decide to ban it...after 2 hour of gathering herbs at jade florest I got banned...

and the email got the ban for using bot...

it was using gatherit at jade florest for like 1 hour till be banned...

so GM knows 100% when you bot!! ITS SO BAAAAAD NEWWS

Yeah, no. Gathering for 1-2 hours (can't tell which seeing as you have two different posts saying two different things) will not get you banned, sorry.
Pretty unreasonable. Any common GM will check that the account have changed its usual logging scheme, and it have started gathering stuff since then. Then the only reason why this account is still banned would be, that the OO was already using it for bot-farming, and these 2 hours are just the last 2 before the ban!

Actually, when GMs receive hacking report, they ALWAYS request Ownership verification: OO Name, Street address, SQ/SA and picture of National ID, shot the same day, not old and/or manipulated one.

So the scenario described above is still unreasonable enough.
sorry for bad english...

that account have never been botted before...

I got the 72 hour suspension after 1~2hours of jade forest gathering, I wanted it...so I did a good job...

As GM got ticket from the 'owner' he checked the account, and i t was botting...SO THEY KNOW WHO BOT WHO NOT...

before he ban me, he said "hi" on GM CHAT INGAME...I was replying 'hi' to him...then PUFF banned...
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Sorry, I still don't buy the fact that the account was banned after farming for a couple of hours in Jade Forest.
It's becouse the real owner was opening tickets...then a GM check it and banned it...Ill copy here the email!
  Agradecemos seu contato sobre a licença WOW1. Esta licença foi emitida uma suspensão de 72-horas depois de um ou vários personagens na licença terem sido detectados usando um programa fraudulento e desautorizado.  Esses programas oferecem vantagens que normalmente não se consegue no World of Warcraft através de métodos normais. Tais vantagens incluem automação de personagem (também conhecido como "botting"), aumento de velocidade, tele transporte ou atravessar paredes ou fronteiras. Estes tipos de programas oferecem uma vantagem injusta sobre os outros jogadores e suplantam os limites objetivados pelo jogo.
    Como consequência desta decisão e devido à natureza prejudicial destes programas desautorizados no ambiente de jogo, a medida tomada contra esta licença não será revertida. Favor compreender que não tomámos esta decisão de ânimo leve. Ela foi tomada de acordo com nossos Termos de Uso ((http://us.blizzard.com/pt-br/company/legal/wow_tou.html).
    Você é considerado responsável por qualquer software fraudulento e desautorizado que seja detectado em associação com o World of Warcraft, independentemente do local e de quem possua o computador utilizado para entrar no jogo. Favor lembrar-se que suas informações de login são confidenciais. Licenças registradas no seu nome não podem ser partilhadas com ninguém, exceto um menor por quem você possua custódia legal. A segurança de sua licença é de sua responsabilidade exclusiva.

We apologie your contact about wow1...but this license has been suspended for 72 hours, after 1 or + personagens botting......

this answer from GM, was about a ticket like: 'im getting hacked, someone in my account its not real owner"
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Aqui é a Mestre de Jogo Vislyer, como vai? :)
Tenho boas notícias! Verifiquei a  sua conta e ela não foi comprometida e que você já conseguiu logar. 
Entendo o quanto é chato ter que ficar confirmando os seus dados, mas vou tentar te explicar o porquê. :D 
Este pedido de troca de senha, ou confirmação de dados ocorre quando há alguma mudança no padrão de login e para a segurança da sua conta, o nosso sistema bloqueia o acesso até que os dados , que somente vc sabe, sejam confirmados. Tudo isso para evitar que alguém tente roubar a sua conta! :)
Muitas vezes, isso acontece quando você utiliza um novo computador, uma internet diferente, quando vai logar de outra localização ou nas primeiras vezes que você loga na conta, depois de um tempo sem jogar, ou no caso de conta nova. 
Também, se houver uma mudança constante no IP de acesso, pois a internet tem um IP dinâmico e não estático, o pedido de troca de senha será mais frequente, e nestes casos, recomendamos o uso de um  autenticador. 
Se precisar de algo mais, entre em contato novamente. Mas, se estiver tudo certo, por favor, marque o ticket como resolvido e poderá deixar algum comentário no final da enquete de qualidade caso deseje.


Hi its me GM GAYLYER, how are you?
I got good news, i verify your account, and it have not been compromised and you finally logged in(BUT IT WAS ME IN ACCOUNT HAHAHA)
i understand how suck is it, to confirm your account and infos, but ill explain why...
this ask for changing password, occurs when there is a change in the default login its for security of your account....
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and sorry for you M M, if you dont buy the fact...but you still a noob in my eyes as I can see you dont even know anything about the bot...you get caught with just one account kkk, I bot 16 hours per day with 10~12 accounts and just get wipe 1x per month haha

when I botted with just 3 session, I have never been banned.


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and sorry for you M M, if you dont buy the fact...but you still a noob in my eyes as I can see you dont even know anything about the bot...you get caught with just one account kkk, I bot 16 hours per day with 10~12 accounts and just get wipe 1x per month haha

when I botted with just 3 session, I have never been banned.


8/12 gone, BLIZZ I WONT STOP!
15 accounts yesterday...
5 accounts banned

Nope, you've never been banned. I must be seeing things. So noobish of me...