Well, lost my main Boter. About 19 months save boting. Always traded over guildbank. Economy abuse, "traded some times with weird accounts who were involved into goldselling" - whatever.
Will write an epic ticket and post the result here. Actually i got a permanent ban. Like always if you try to sell gold.
Some infos:
Traded over 1,8 millions over guildbank(mainbank). (500k were traded by the auctionhouse. i also transfered 500k from horde to alliance - this was a huge mistake, i also had a bad feeling about this and though it would fail. i also knew it would fail
Will write an epic ticket and post the result here. Actually i got a permanent ban. Like always if you try to sell gold.
Some infos:
Traded over 1,8 millions over guildbank(mainbank). (500k were traded by the auctionhouse. i also transfered 500k from horde to alliance - this was a huge mistake, i also had a bad feeling about this and though it would fail. i also knew it would fail

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