I have to agree it depends on the server, I believe NA servers have more of these "white knights", on my server it's widely acknowledged that N.Than has a bot train, but no one really cares because it makes the fates go down faster and quicker. But even so I just fate botted in a dead area, but it was still giving me 300-400k XP per hour.
To the original post the ban all depends on how you bot, most bans I've seen on this forum have been from 24/7 Botting, but also keep in mind the server you're playing on. Some server don't have such a forgiving community. Even so bans are still few and far between. So It's like minuscule considering the size of the bot community. I mean I'm sure SE have more crazy bots to worry about, I've seen other shitty bots floating in the air attacking mobs, I reported the shit out of them and then the bots that can do duties, when those break you will just see a big group of BLM with same gear all over town. These are the kind of things more likely to get reported, than just you in a giant crowd of bots (80+ Depending on server) .
As you can see RB is probably the safest bot on the market, because it doesn't put it's users at higher risk, by giving them risky options.