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Ban Fix?


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
Hey guys,

Anyone wondering if developers might not be able to make a "rebuilded" and undetectable version of HB,
that would lead to much safer botting without ton of bans??
I mean, everyone is hoping, including me that the new version is coming and its just a matter of time before
we all hop in to the bot train like before. But it is posible that New version might not be enough?
Ive tried to find some official HB response about current Ban problem or new version but couldnt.
The actual HB version is completely ok. I would say that it is hardly impossible to do a better HB version than the ones we have atm. I think that even the HB devs are running slowly out of ideas, with e.g. all this 'tripewire' stuff.
At the moment you just have to bot with brain... Not too many hours, a lot of breaks... And if possible use 1-3 pcs for your farmbots and 1 pc ONLY for your main account. Having this you can be sure (I believe so - correct me pls if I'm wrong), that if there is going to be a banwave, not all of your accs are going to get banned. AND very important, do NOT use HBRelog / Arelog - these are the killers at the moment.

And if the HB devs are going to plan on releasing a new better premium version (don't believe so), then please devs... Really only premium... With really ******* high prices and if possible even *****-save, so that not everybody can get a HB Bot... The botters with brain will know how to handle it.

My opinion - no flame please - and sry for my english if there are any faults...

Greedings from switzerland
The actual HB version is completely ok. I would say that it is hardly impossible to do a better HB version than the ones we have atm. I think that even the HB devs are running slowly out of ideas, with e.g. all this 'tripewire' stuff.
At the moment you just have to bot with brain... Not too many hours, a lot of breaks... And if possible use 1-3 pcs for your farmbots and 1 pc ONLY for your main account. Having this you can be sure (I believe so - correct me pls if I'm wrong), that if there is going to be a banwave, not all of your accs are going to get banned. AND very important, do NOT use HBRelog / Arelog - these are the killers at the moment.

And if the HB devs are going to plan on releasing a new better premium version (don't believe so), then please devs... Really only premium... With really ******* high prices and if possible even *****-save, so that not everybody can get a HB Bot... The botters with brain will know how to handle it.

My opinion - no flame please - and sry for my english if there are any faults...

Greedings from switzerland

Greetings they most likely aren't planning to release a fully new client in like ever and if they would it would be the same one as now no charging for 2 products that are essentially botting the same game.
Weed even if you are right then the HB devs need to come out and tell us how to bot as yes Blizzard are doing server side detection more
AND very important, do NOT use HBRelog / Arelog - these are the killers at the moment.
Why do you think that? I mean, I got banned on 2 acc when I try to use that but I dont know where is the problem in those programs? Can you explain pls?
I don't expect the devs to speculate on things they don't know however there are some things they are pretty sure of and some things they do know and these should be on a sticky on the HB forum and ditto with the setup of a bot so if VMware connecting to a VPS with clean IPv4 address' is the safest thing to do which is what I have gathered then why not just tell people that? Blizzard cant do anything about it and it makes it easier for their customers.
I don't expect the devs to speculate on things they don't know however there are some things they are pretty sure of and some things they do know and these should be on a sticky on the HB forum and ditto with the setup of a bot so if VMware connecting to a VPS with clean IPv4 address' is the safest thing to do which is what I have gathered then why not just tell people that? Blizzard cant do anything about it and it makes it easier for their customers.

All of that is unneeded. I run all my bots on the same bare metal without a *** as I always have and I'm still going strong.
There is NO "Current Ban problem", as you describe. Sorry, but all the bans you talk about are from people not learning how to read forums and the fact that Blizzard has ways to detect repeated patterns. Its not HB problem. Its YOURS! When people are farming on their accounts for 8+ hours, expect to get banned. When people are STILL doing BG's unattended, expect to get banned : / You see where im going with this? Its HOW YOU BOT that gets you banned.
Besides, like people will always tell you. Dont come here and complain that you got banned when you KNOW the risks.
So besides that good job on posting in wrong section and wasting everyones time!


Its obvious that some people in life are not as clued up or as "smart" as you or I - Some people do not have a good educated upbringing or street savvy brains.

Can I can request that when you reply to some threads in your "Forum Police" manner - Could you be a little more tactful? If you feel you can not do this can I please request that you do not reply when you feel the rage setting in.

The actual HB version is completely ok. I would say that it is hardly impossible to do a better HB version than the ones we have atm. I think that even the HB devs are running slowly out of ideas, with e.g. all this 'tripewire' stuff.
At the moment you just have to bot with brain... Not too many hours, a lot of breaks... And if possible use 1-3 pcs for your farmbots and 1 pc ONLY for your main account. Having this you can be sure (I believe so - correct me pls if I'm wrong), that if there is going to be a banwave, not all of your accs are going to get banned. AND very important, do NOT use HBRelog / Arelog - these are the killers at the moment.

And if the HB devs are going to plan on releasing a new better premium version (don't believe so), then please devs... Really only premium... With really ******* high prices and if possible even *****-save, so that not everybody can get a HB Bot... The botters with brain will know how to handle it.

My opinion - no flame please - and sry for my english if there are any faults...

Greedings from switzerland

Hbrelog or arelog aren't detected unless you have proof they are?
No rage just facts sorry to disappoint you.

Also, 2 people seem to agree with what I say so I think im good thanks.


You seem to have my missed my point entirely - I never said that "What" you were saying was wrong.

I was pointing the the "Way" you say it can be patronising and also with quite an aggressive tone at times.

That is what I kindly ask you to refrain from doing.

Try and structure your posts more constructively.

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