hello my BW stop working on Balmorra
all night i didnt had a problem with same just grind profile
all night i didnt had a problem with same just grind profile
[09:06:14.968 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1092.493
[09:06:16.469 N] Logging in...
[09:06:16.706 N] T: 5247037386192522482 H: 700101701
[09:06:16.706 N] Login Success!
[09:06:17.736 D] First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
[09:06:17.736 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[09:06:17.736 D] App Path:
[09:06:17.797 D] Current build number: 990722
[09:06:17.797 D] Loading client.gom..
[09:06:17.836 D] Loaded client.gom!
[09:06:18.051 D] Took 191ms to get the nodes list.
[09:06:18.051 D] There are 44545 nodes.
[09:06:18.051 D] DomList has 44599/49157
[09:06:18.093 D] spnOracle handled.
[09:06:18.093 D] cnvOracle handled.
[09:06:18.094 D] ctlOracle handled.
[09:06:18.094 D] _InputHandler handled.
[09:06:18.101 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
[09:06:18.169 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[09:06:18.169 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[09:06:18.170 D] prfOracle handled.
[09:06:18.202 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9AF162
[09:06:18.202 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.203 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9AF16F
[09:06:18.203 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.203 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9AF173
[09:06:18.203 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.203 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9AF188
[09:06:18.203 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.204 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9AF197
[09:06:18.204 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.205 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9AF1BA
[09:06:18.205 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.207 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9AF219
[09:06:18.207 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.208 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9AF24B
[09:06:18.208 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.208 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9AF25D
[09:06:18.208 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.208 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9AF263
[09:06:18.208 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.208 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9AF265
[09:06:18.208 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.208 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9AF270
[09:06:18.209 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.209 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3B9AF272
[09:06:18.209 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.209 D] Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3B9AF27E
[09:06:18.209 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[09:06:18.649 D] _BaseClient handled.
[09:06:18.649 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] strOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] gmOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] ablOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[09:06:18.650 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] mapOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] chrOracle handled.
[09:06:18.650 D] qstOracle handled.
[09:06:18.655 D] Took 603ms to process the node list
[09:06:19.019 N] User is a Knight
[09:06:19.019 V] Routine Path: Routines
[09:06:19.590 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[09:06:20.056 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[09:06:20.056 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[09:06:20.056 D] JoesCombat v0.2014.1.23
[09:06:21.067 N] [JoesCombat] Level: 36
[09:06:21.067 N] [JoesCombat] Class: Knight
[09:06:21.076 N] [JoesCombat] Advanced Class: Sentinel (Combat)
[09:06:22.078 N] [JoesCombat] Reported Processor Count: 8
[09:06:22.081 N] [JoesCombat] Star Wars Process ID Detected as: 7092
[09:06:22.107 N] [JoesCombat] Checking Professions...
[09:06:22.118 N] [JoesCombat] Abil Archaeology found
[09:06:22.118 N] [JoesCombat] Checking Professions...
[09:06:22.128 N] [JoesCombat] Abil Bioanalysis found
[09:06:22.128 N] [JoesCombat] Checking Professions...
[09:06:22.138 N] [JoesCombat] Abil Underworld Trading found
[09:06:22.138 N] [JoesCombat] Pull Range set at 2
[09:06:22.148 N] [JoesCombat] Spec Detected as: SentinelCombat
[09:06:22.149 N] [JoesCombat] Combat Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered.
[09:06:22.150 N] [JoesCombat] Group Tag-Along Key [Subtract] HotKey Registered.
[09:06:22.150 N] [JoesCombat] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[09:06:22.150 N] [JoesCombat] Forced Bot Thread ABORT [NumPad0] HotKey Registered. Use this after a few seconds of no action, and the bot window is unresponsive/hung (and then wait 5-10s after pressing it,and try and Alt-Tab back to BuddyWing window).
[09:06:22.151 N] [JoesCombat] Checking/Loading Abilities...
[09:06:22.158 N] [JoesCombat] Ability Field Revive found.
[09:06:22.158 N] [JoesCombat] Ability Summon Companion found.
[09:06:22.159 N] [JoesCombat] Ability Return to Medcenter found.
[09:06:22.159 N] [JoesCombat] Ability Quick Travel found.
[09:06:22.161 N] [JoesCombat] Total (Non-Passive) Abilities Found: 47
[09:06:22.162 N] [JoesCombat] Check Abilities: Bio True Scav False Arch True Slicing False
[09:06:22.164 N] Chose JoesCombat as your combat routine.
[09:06:22.164 N] [JoesCombat] Level: 36
[09:06:22.164 N] [JoesCombat] Class: Knight
[09:06:22.176 N] [JoesCombat] Advanced Class: Sentinel (Combat)
[09:06:22.192 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
[09:06:22.595 D] Initializing Auto-Equip
[09:06:22.969 D] There are 1 plugins.
[09:06:23.136 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[09:06:23.136 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[09:06:23.138 N] Loaded profile Blank Grind Profile
[09:06:23.154 N] Sell quality set to Cheap.
[09:06:23.160 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[09:06:33.509 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[09:06:33.510 D] BotMain.Start() called
[09:06:33.510 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[09:06:33.673 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[09:06:33.673 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[09:06:33.674 N] Loaded profile Blank Grind Profile
[09:06:33.674 D] Starting bot Grind Bot
[09:06:33.695 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] de5be245-deeb-42f9-8f24-b2f310f283fe
[09:06:33.700 D] Added new hook [Pull] 936d87ee-9f33-49bb-a311-d3739b4f6f59
[09:06:33.700 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 936d87ee-9f33-49bb-a311-d3739b4f6f59
[09:06:33.705 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 306adb12-d6f6-4e1b-a130-42f00b418fc4
[09:06:33.707 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] 32e00369-35d7-41ea-8802-231561a2b041
[09:06:33.708 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 74c02270-ca4b-4eef-8a91-0173737064d6
[09:06:33.708 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 3c431049-6f60-4d93-b947-744aead2651b
[09:06:33.708 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 959b63a6-d79d-406f-a65c-090e49cc80d4
[09:06:33.708 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 9203a429-5217-49ea-ab68-b7abf2b3a9f3
[09:06:33.708 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] eb5f00c2-959f-46ed-b782-07f61597c17e
[09:06:33.709 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[09:06:33.711 D] Bot thread started.
[09:06:33.804 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanBelt slot's score is: 555
[09:06:33.839 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanChest slot's score is: 450
[09:06:33.851 D] [AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Jacket - Value: 0
[09:06:33.858 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFace slot's score is: 0
[09:06:33.866 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFoot slot's score is: 450
[09:06:33.877 D] [AutoEquip] Lazutil Banded Longboots - Value: 0
[09:06:33.888 D] [AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Boots - Value: 0
[09:06:33.896 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanGlove slot's score is: 0
[09:06:33.904 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanLeg slot's score is: 0
[09:06:33.911 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanWrist slot's score is: 0
[09:06:33.916 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanMainHand slot's score is: 2790
[09:06:33.919 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanOffHand slot's score is: 1498
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanShield slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRanged slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedPrimary slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedSecondary slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedTertiary slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidChest slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidLeg slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidFeet slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidHand slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidGyro slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidLower slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidUpper slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidOutfit slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidSensor slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidShield slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.920 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidUtility slot's score is: -1
[09:06:33.923 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanEar slot's score is: 450
[09:06:33.926 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanImplant slot's score is: 525
[09:06:33.929 D] [AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRelic slot's score is: 0
[09:06:34.108 N] [JoesCombat] Scanning for 'Goodies' (for Rep, or Lockboxes) in inventory...
[09:06:34.235 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:34.541 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:34.544 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:35.576 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:35.878 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:35.878 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:35.910 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:36.211 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:36.211 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:37.244 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:37.545 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:37.545 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:37.577 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:37.879 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:37.879 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:38.219 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[09:06:38.220 D] BotMain.Stop() called
[09:06:38.220 N] Reason:
[09:06:38.321 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[09:06:38.912 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[09:06:38.921 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[09:06:39.214 D] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[09:06:39.214 D] at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[09:06:39.214 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[09:06:39.222 D] Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[09:06:40.323 D] We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[09:06:40.323 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped