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AutoAngler[2.86]: In 0 days, 0 hours and 34 minutes we have caught
AutoAngler[2.86]: Rumsey Rum Light x6
AutoAngler[2.86]: Deviate Fish x64
AutoAngler[2.86]: Tightly Sealed Trunk x4
AutoAngler[2.86]: Stranglekelp x11
U realy don't need a profile for deviate fish. Go inside Wailing Caverns, jump down in the water, go to the right and on the left side u see a cave. Place your toon at the edge and start fishing. Use lootfilter and after 1 hr fishing update lootfilter so he delete all unwanted items. Ofc, turn off poolfishing in the bot. No1 can see u there and u catch a lot of deviate fish. Don't need vendor, if your bags are full, I think u have enough deviate fish. I use LogMeOut plugin and if my bags are full, then the plugin shut down WoW.