I'm having issues with HB, i just came back to wow after about a year break. tons of stuff changing in wow (and in hb as well) it takes really long for it to log in, which is odd but not to huge of a problem. The bot will run for about 5-10 minutes and just vanish on me while im not looking. just did a fresh download to make sure nothing got borked in the last update it did and found this in the log.
[01:38:52.365 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[01:38:52.365 Q] Invalid Session
[01:38:52.368 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
[01:38:52.380 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
are the old life time keys getting shut down? i though i had read somewhere that they were not going to be sold anymore, but the already bougth ones will still be good. is that right or nah?
[01:38:52.365 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[01:38:52.365 Q] Invalid Session
[01:38:52.368 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
[01:38:52.380 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
are the old life time keys getting shut down? i though i had read somewhere that they were not going to be sold anymore, but the already bougth ones will still be good. is that right or nah?