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buy a new one, the chances of that are slim especially since this accounts have been dormant. GL i have bought around 5 accounts and none been removed i'd imagine that happening is around 1/10000 first time i've heard of anything like this
Had a few also, you have to send them a copy of the ID of the name registered on the account to get it unlocked. GL doing that if u used a fake name
Be careful when you merge a few accs from same ip, you will get them all locked in 1-2 weeks.
Ok, Suggestion....
1. Link to your real name. why use a fake. (some protection - but lose of accounts like such above)
2. when you buy the SOR accounts, don't merge 20 accounts all at one time, merge over time, since we have time. link to same name but seperate accounts, like i have three accounts
3. Don't bot right into these account's slowly work them up, most likely using these accounts for gathering. so lvl all of them to 85 let them go offline for a month reactivate them then start gathering with them.
If you buy an unmerged account not in your name and merge it to a bnet in your name it shows a message that says there is a mismatch on the last name. I have had some banned and some not. I think the ones that got banned were due to doing more then 1 in 1 day.
For those that experienced a ban, did anyone send in ID that matched the bnet but not the original unmerged account and then get the banned account back?
Yes they want ID of current BNET account and not ID of original WOW.
I also had expirience where i knew for sure first and last name of original wow holder (despite it was shown as **** in old wow management page) so i made new bnet account that matched it. However it still warned me that Last name does not match. Whatever. Wonder if anyone ever had this warning being not shown.
Anyway it doesnt matter i beleive, they accept your curent info thats for sure.
Still trying figure what triggers compro-lock. Accs merged on same IP theory does not look solid in my opinion, i made alot of accounts on same IP and had lock two times only i guess.
Well that's interesting. I'll test this out on one of my freshly created bnets that got banned. If that works, then I'll do on the one I actually care about that has 3 80's on it.
Confirmed. The original account holders name is irrelevant. It's all about the bnet name and having ID to back that up if you get a ban with one off these.