Disregard, me dumb. Had a duplicate interact before it without noncompete. But it should still be a shared resource along with most other class hall objects
Trying to interact with the artifact forge in paladin class hall with
I'm not sure if NonCompeteDistance is broke or something else is going on because I can't interact with any object in the class hall except the mission board (which is classified as a unit) because
This forge should be considered a shared resource as well.
Trying to interact with the artifact forge in paladin class hall with
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="247320" NonCompeteDistance="0" X="2494.233" Y="-5474.495" Z="48.91703" />
[05:41:57.771 D] [InteractWith-767ce8(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
Forge of Power [InCompetition(6 players within 20.0, expires in 89s)]
[Ref: "km[H] Starlight Rose" @line 36]
[05:41:57.778 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[05:41:57.779 D] Goal: InteractWith-767ce8: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with Forge of Power
[Ref: "km[H] Starlight Rose" @line 36]
This forge should be considered a shared resource as well.
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