What people will soon have to understand about Hearthstone, is that it's not a matter of if you win or lose, but how you win or lose.
If you're losing because the opponent simply had a better deck, or luck, then that's nothing you can do anything about really.
If you're losing because of bot technical lssiues (e.g., not able to play all the turns in time, or an exception being thrown that eats up time and you have to restart the bot), then those things can be addressed. There's going to be a lot of AI issues that need to be reworked, but SF gives us the best starting place for moving forward with GvG support. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is, but it should at least get us heading in the right direction. As we move forward, we do want more game tracking tools integrated with HsB so users can understand why they won/lost, as well as the cards that were played so they can see for themselves.
Of course it'll always be easy to say "it would have been better if the AI did X instead of Y", but that's not something you can just code into an AI as complex as SF is, as it does its calcs, and choosing things based on what it perceives as the best move rather than what might actually be better in context of the current game. We do hope to provide more game information to the AIs for HsB so they can make better decisions, but right now the biggest priority is getting back to a stable Release.