Hey everyone,
Is it possible to schedule Arelog to farm x hours on a character who is on the same account as the bank char?
For example, Character X ( which is the farmer ) farms for lets say 8 hours with gatherbuddy2, then, Arelog changes to the bank char, he uses profession buddy with the AH profile, and the bank goes on its way to do his sh*t, then changes back to the farmer character for an 8 hour farming again...
Is this possible? on the same account ? and Arelog changing the bot to professionbuddy and then gatherbuddy?
Is it possible to schedule Arelog to farm x hours on a character who is on the same account as the bank char?
For example, Character X ( which is the farmer ) farms for lets say 8 hours with gatherbuddy2, then, Arelog changes to the bank char, he uses profession buddy with the AH profile, and the bank goes on its way to do his sh*t, then changes back to the farmer character for an 8 hour farming again...
Is this possible? on the same account ? and Arelog changing the bot to professionbuddy and then gatherbuddy?