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gold farming like usual with battle chest accounts
i will not ever use hb on my main though for high end mythic pve not going to risk it i use another rotation service/bot for that now plus the rotations here are very stale
wait or no wait to bot makes no difference in this climate.
gold farming like usual with battle chest accounts
i will not ever use hb on my main though for high end mythic pve not going to risk it i use another rotation service/bot for that now plus the rotations here are very stale
wait or no wait to bot makes no difference in this climate.
i find 5 bots to a pc is safe, i personally find more than that i get into trouble quicker
but that is me, some may use 20 or 30 to a pc but i ain't that big of a botter
i got 3 pcs for bots and 1 pc for my main