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ArcheologyBuddy is underestimated, and should be used much more! WHY? CLICK!


New Member
Jan 15, 2010

Click here to read about Archeology (wowwiki)


Archeology is, in my oppinion, the best way to level 70-85.
Maybe not the fastest, but definitely the safest.

I did this thread because ArcheologyBuddy is so underestimated for leveling.
I haven't heard or read about AB in months, so i decided to do a thread about it.

It's an inspiration thread, and hopefully some people will use this bot more.

This is not a full-scale guide, nor FAQ!

And before we begin; I'm from Sweden, and i don't know the english grammar to 100%. Not even the Swedish :)
In reservation of misspelling words. I'm also very bad at building sentances. With that said i give you


For fun, i will level my Warlock which is level 60 with archeology. I just dinged 60 so this will be fun to see if he is good earlier then 70. Started it, will see how long he will stand before it needs to repair the gear, or something :) New pic every day. I get 2880 XP/finding. Quite nice. Let's see how it goes.

@30% lvl 60


Pros and cons

Why should i level with Archeology, you might ask. I reply with the following;


  1. It's much more safe then PVP or quest, due to the fact that you wont come near other people.
  2. It's a secondary profession, such as cooking, fishing and first aid.
  3. It's Reliable. You hardly never get stuck.
  4. Well payed Trashitems (Up to 100g per item! ->example<
  5. You get good XP even if you are in lowlevel areas (around 20k XP per dig)

- Cons

  1. The artistan flight skill is kinda expensive (but why not buy it now, you are going to buy it at 85, so why don't buy it now?
  2. Not as fast as questing
  3. Must be level 70, otherwise it's just not worth it.

Ask yourself this;

Do you want to get to 85 as fast as possible,
or do you want epic items and gear?

Thers are 2 ways to use ArcheologyBuddy

Reminder; When you are searching for artifacts, you will most likely aggro a pack of mobs at the same time. So be good geared if you are a class which is hard to bot
Mage, Rogue, Warrior,Shaman).

1;".AS FATS SA POSLBIE!!1! OFC!!1one!
"So fsats tha i cnat evn write on teeh keyboarz"

Don't mess with the "Max AB settings, just click start..
and you're ready for some non-stop farming!

2; Own use, and how i bot
(better quality drops, but takes a bit more time)
Some classes are better then other on farming, easy as that. I'll make a table which are MY guidelines to beginners and/or bad geared.

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 881, align: center"]
[TD]Level on character[/TD]
[TD]Max Archeology skill (change in settings of AB)

Mage, Rogue, Warrior,Shaman [/TD]
[TD]Max archeology skill (change in settings of AB)

Druid, Paladin, Hunter and Warlock[/TD]


At the moment, there are just 2 mounts that you can get from Archeology.
But damn, they look hot!

I have leveled up around 5-6 chars to 85, from 70.

The raptor is the easiest to catch. Sometimes you get it in a few hours.

Fossilized raptor(Youtube)

Scepter of Azj'Aqir (Youtube)
I'm a lucky owner of this badboy!

Epic Gear




Scimitar of the Sirocco

2-hander (this sword is very rare)

Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds

Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan
Staff of Ammunae


Extinct Turtle Shell

Ring of the Boy Emperor
Tyrande's Favorite Doll


Nifflevar Bearded AxeHeaddress of the First Shaman (mail low level)

Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown (cloth low level)

Epic Artifacts (YouTube links)

Blessing of the Old God
Bones of Transformation
Pendant of the Scarab Storm
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
Wisp Amulet

Rare Artifacts (wowwiki links)

Ancient Amber
Arrival of the Naaru
Chalice of the Mountain Kings
Clockwork Gnome
Druid and Priest Statue Set
Haunted War Drum
Highborne Soul Mirror
Kaldorei Wind Chimes
The Innkeeper's Daughter
The Last Relic of Argus
Vrykyl Drinking Horn

Fossilized Hatchling
Voodoo Figurine

Pterrordax Hatchling
Crawling Claw

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Tack, jag h?ller p? att finputsar den.. hehe, f?rsta g?ngen jag g?r n?got s?nt h?r :)

Thank you, i'm editing all the time, i want it to be perfect :P It's the first time i do something like this :)
And how often do you bot for lets say do you bot for 4 hours then a 2 hour break?
when im sniffing out bots, i often look at their Level 85 achievment and their archeology achievment two things that are publicly viewable. To the mighty paranoid....keep this in mind, you cant erase a record like that. 70 to 85 and minimal quests/instances done? Although after the continent boundaries being fixed, it works very well...I must stop and question the safety of this method due to the permanent record created through achievements.
when im sniffing out bots, i often look at their Level 85 achievment and their archeology achievment two things that are publicly viewable. To the mighty paranoid....keep this in mind, you cant erase a record like that. 70 to 85 and minimal quests/instances done? Although after the continent boundaries being fixed, it works very well...I must stop and question the safety of this method due to the permanent record created through achievements.

Pretty much the same with grinded Chars.

zero Quests, zero Instances, zero PVP. Only thing you could say: Free Raf lvls or SOR char. But wouldnt work 80-85.
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From 70-85, I nearly always do a combination of BGs and ArchaeologyBuddy. I've usually PVP'ed a bit somewhere in the 60's and have some PVP gear and honor points. So I buy some 70 PVP gear and BG until 75, saving up some honor points. Then I AB until around 80 or so, and and do a mixture of mostly BG and a little AB until 85. At 85 I buy some crafted PVP gear, and use my honor points on whatever Brutal I can afford. Then I start working on AB for the achieves. If people don't like it, screw them. I've never been questioned or whispered.

Both of these are AFK and it gives me a mixed record. I don't give a damn about instances, and I don't give a damn what other people think about me not doing instances. I never did instances before I started botting, and I'm not currently in the mood to start now. I've only done the Cata quests once, and never wanted to do them again. Some people just do instances 80-85, so who cares what they think about not questing or not having any instances. Not everyone likes to do dungeons and raids. I'm one of them.
And how often do you bot for lets say do you bot for 4 hours then a 2 hour break?

No, online as much i can. I started the toon last thursday, and he got Heirlooms which gives him 20% more XP in total (chest and shoulders).
i do not recommend to go higher then 375 before you hit 85, and how about that you get stuck in the invicible walls on EK, the best way to do arch is on kalimdor

nice thingy btw
and how about that you get stuck in the invicible walls on EK, the best way to do arch is on kalimdor

There's an invisible wall between azshara and hyjal that the bot runs into every time when coming from the north.

I ran AB most of the day on my main account today, and it'd get stuck at it, on average, every ~25 minutes.

AB is hardly afkable right now.
My bot haven't worked today, so i can't level him up. He just flies in the air and logging out, haha..

So i started the questbot.. do you think it worked? Naah..