[How To] Appeal a ticket
So, now i have been here for a couple of days after making my 40/40 topic I noticed that alot of people were asking me questions and that alot of people have been banned in the last days.
I'll try to help everybody here to get there accounts unbanned or reduced to a 72-hour suspension so here is what you need to do.
The starting
Some of you might have seen it, you've just woken up and gotten behind your pc and you noticed that your account(s) have been disconnected. When you try to log back in you see the worst that could've happen : 'Error #202 This account has been closed and is no longer able for use contact the support' when this happens don't freak out!!! Just go to the website and open a ticket where you tell your story of your ban.
The appeal
When you start you have 2 choices 1: I have no idea what botting is 2: Crybaby and tell that you're sorry.
When you've opened your ticket just start off polite and say what's happened to your account. Tell Blizzard that you've never bot before, and that you don't know what to imagine with the term 'Third-party acces' and that you disgust people who ruin the game and that you don't know how this could've happen. You'll probably get a reply that says that they've detected a third-party acces etc etc and that they won't look into the case. WRONG! you better keep appealing tickets don't quit at the first reply just keep going and call them.
When you call them just deny the fact that you're a botter and even if they say that they know that you're a botter just keep denying! Tell the representative that you've been hacked, your mail has had problems and your PC was full of viruses! Tell them everything to make it sound legitimately.
After that you'll just have to wait until you get an answer. If you're the actual owner of the account and they ask for ID/passport SEND IT
The biggest problem
The very biggest problem of all time is 1 thing 'the verification' most of you players have bought an SoR account cheap from some Chinese resellers as they're cheap and grant you an instant level 80 character. The problem is that if you get banned you'll probably lose this account because you don't have any identification unless you're a good photo-shopper and know the name of the original owner and even the secret question/answer ( they ask them sometimes ) if you don't have all these skills and info well you're fucked. Just give up as I've never seen any account get unbanned. Try to save your other accounts or just start a new one that isn't an SoR account.
After a 72-hour suspension
Well, you've finally got your account to a 72-hour suspension and it unlocked just some minutes ago the question is 'what to do now?' don't be retarded and start HB immediately just log in sell most of your gold ( if you had ) or use your gold to buy new CD's. Don't start botting and wait a few days just get online and play the game or do something else.
Big chances that you'll get banned right away if you start botting again 10 minutes after your unban.
I hope this helped you people! Good luck and send me a PM if you have any questions!
So, now i have been here for a couple of days after making my 40/40 topic I noticed that alot of people were asking me questions and that alot of people have been banned in the last days.
I'll try to help everybody here to get there accounts unbanned or reduced to a 72-hour suspension so here is what you need to do.
The starting
Some of you might have seen it, you've just woken up and gotten behind your pc and you noticed that your account(s) have been disconnected. When you try to log back in you see the worst that could've happen : 'Error #202 This account has been closed and is no longer able for use contact the support' when this happens don't freak out!!! Just go to the website and open a ticket where you tell your story of your ban.
The appeal
When you start you have 2 choices 1: I have no idea what botting is 2: Crybaby and tell that you're sorry.
When you've opened your ticket just start off polite and say what's happened to your account. Tell Blizzard that you've never bot before, and that you don't know what to imagine with the term 'Third-party acces' and that you disgust people who ruin the game and that you don't know how this could've happen. You'll probably get a reply that says that they've detected a third-party acces etc etc and that they won't look into the case. WRONG! you better keep appealing tickets don't quit at the first reply just keep going and call them.
When you call them just deny the fact that you're a botter and even if they say that they know that you're a botter just keep denying! Tell the representative that you've been hacked, your mail has had problems and your PC was full of viruses! Tell them everything to make it sound legitimately.
After that you'll just have to wait until you get an answer. If you're the actual owner of the account and they ask for ID/passport SEND IT
The biggest problem
The very biggest problem of all time is 1 thing 'the verification' most of you players have bought an SoR account cheap from some Chinese resellers as they're cheap and grant you an instant level 80 character. The problem is that if you get banned you'll probably lose this account because you don't have any identification unless you're a good photo-shopper and know the name of the original owner and even the secret question/answer ( they ask them sometimes ) if you don't have all these skills and info well you're fucked. Just give up as I've never seen any account get unbanned. Try to save your other accounts or just start a new one that isn't an SoR account.
After a 72-hour suspension
Well, you've finally got your account to a 72-hour suspension and it unlocked just some minutes ago the question is 'what to do now?' don't be retarded and start HB immediately just log in sell most of your gold ( if you had ) or use your gold to buy new CD's. Don't start botting and wait a few days just get online and play the game or do something else.
Big chances that you'll get banned right away if you start botting again 10 minutes after your unban.
I hope this helped you people! Good luck and send me a PM if you have any questions!

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