I can check right now. but at least 5000 at the current rate. the minimum used to be 2.99 per 1k but since the niantic 2capcha extravaganza the price lowered. so at the highest prices 1500 current prices at least 5494. worth it imo. however paypal minimum is 10$ whereas visa card minimum is any amount i think
also can be attached to other instances of pokefarmer. So if you have multiple keys for PF, on API 2capcha key works for all of them. Also dont see why you couldnt use it for your tracking apps as well/ account creation program for tracking apps
scroll down, its listed with a few other payment options towards the bottomif not ill take a peek hold on please
its to bad, it doesnt support paypal... i'm also not going to enter my credit card details over there
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If you work for 2captcha, it is free. I don't know exactly how many captchas you have to make in order to get the free service.