Yes, but it may need to be updated for the new bot, and possibly new scripting or whatever. I use it all the time to farm FW cloth. It's the one that everyone uses for RAF leveling. Just search the forums for it. There's probably two or three different versions of it floating around there a profile for the frostweave farming that you know of?
These spots will be nice, especially the AQ20 ones. No more need for dual boxing, or looting plugins. Kill, loot, kill, loot, etc.Stolen from ownedcore:
So, I figured that with the release of AoE looting it'd be nice to have most of the spots together in one thread. Be sure to give credit where necessary! Screenshots are great.
AQ 20 Green Farming
In AQ20, there are two mobs after the General Rajaxx's room named Qiraji Gladiator. They're on an instant respawn timer and drop some valuable greens/blues which can be sold for Transmog purposes.
Notable Drops:
[Glorious Breastplate]
(Original Post)
Cathedral of Darkness Frostweave Farming
In Icecrown, there is an area called Cathedral of Darkness. Inside, there is a huge amount of Chosen Zealots. They're on a very fast respawn and have around a 40% chance to drop 1-4 Frostweave Cloth.
(Original Post)
Cape of Stranglethorn
In this are the Cape of Stranglethorn, there are 3 packs of mobs with Bloodsail in their names. They are on an instant respawn.
Notable Drops:
[Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)]
(Original Post)
If I've mis-credited someone, let me know and I'll fix it. I'll be updating this post with stuff you guys post or more I find myself. Thanks!
there are many plugins like this
True, but I was more so referring to the looting plugins for when farming fast spawning mobs. Now you can farm up a few, loot, and continue to farm. I agree with the grey removers though. Bags will fill really notable need for a plugin is something to instantly delete grey items
There is an addon which can handle (destroy) grey drops -> Loot Filterone notable need for a plugin is something to instantly delete grey items
I've used all those addons, and sadly, they've never been updated. Well, I say never, but what I mean is that it seems as though the developers of those addons have given them up and abandoned them. I haven't seen any of them with an update in quite some time, and I don't think that anyone is going to pick them up to update them. A lot of people are no longer playing WoW, and they just let their projects die off.There is an addon which can handle (destroy) grey drops -> Loot Filter
It is not updated yet and not working - hopefully it will soon.
There plenty other abandoned addons which did the same thing, maybe someone picks up the work and fix one of them, like;
Karni's Crap Filter : TradeSkill Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns
ExcessBaggage : Outdated Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns
maybe its just me, but when i went to cathedral of darkness, there wasnt anything there. On the inside, it was empty like a baptist church on Monday night..