Ok so I cannot figure out what is causing the errors in my other posts so I have just moved on. I am now trying to make profiles to work around the areas with bugged mobs. Since there is blacklist area like wow I have turned to making profiles that just body pull the exact mobs I want. If I set my pull distance to say 0.2 it works great and I only ever pull what I want. I do not want to have to set this for every new character and some profiles I do not need it this way. Surely there is some way in the the profiles themselves to do this so I don't have to manually do it every time I want to run two or three profiles that need it. I tried just adding it to the profile and that didnt seem to do anything but maybee it is how or where I added it.
<Profile xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ProfileSchema.xsd">
<Hotspot Name="Imperial Medical Droid" X="-79.4658" Y="-69.92294" Z="218.3483" />
<GrindArea Name="Exoboar Howler">
<Profile xmlns="http://tempuri.org/ProfileSchema.xsd">
<Hotspot Name="Imperial Medical Droid" X="-79.4658" Y="-69.92294" Z="218.3483" />
<GrindArea Name="Exoboar Howler">