best way to raf is just raf yourself a new account, it costs like ?6 and ?15 for the 2 months subs, i also use the new accounts to raf up chars by rushing them with yet another account to 60, takes about 12 hrs if you know what you are doing, 1-10 raf quest, 10-15 deadmines/sfk, 15-20 stockades, 20-35 sm, 35-45 zf, 45-55/60 strathholme, if you have tbc then 55-60 ramparts. Also added perk, if you raf 2 chars through to 60 30 levels each from the 2 60 chars to a fresh char on the referers account, thats 3 level 60's in 1 day /played. All good!
Its become a slight addiction for me! i've raf'd 18 or so chars to level 60 this month.