I was never banned at all, so I guess using CR's in raids is safe atleast for me.
I used to use a paid CR and changed perhaps some values to my personal likes/dislikes. Never had any problem at all, never banned or similar. I also used all kind of functions like so called "kickbot" and things, ofc I never used any CR or Honorbuddy to >afk bot< at any time. I always saw it as a good support to help me out in my gameplays nothing more, but I only used to use "honorbuddy" for half a year and lately stopped because I stopped to play wow in general because of boredom and time waste issues.
So from my point it was and still is completly safe both in PVE & PVE, if you do not overdo it or act so obviously like, Isaw ppl chatting like hell; flaming all kind of people in their raid while they where doing spells and whatnot, kinda obvious, no? After some time passed I heard that exactly those guy got banned.. Hah...
You use honorbuddy as support software, don't overdo it, stay nice (wich should be a must anyway) and don't do obvious things in PVE/PvP it's safe in general. Also, it seems english speaking servers are much mroe intensively watched by warden than others. Some guy once tested the same shit with new accounts on different servers. (ofc it could be he got reported here and there more often) but lately he never was banned from german realms but he got banned multiple times with accounts on wich he used to play on english realms. Perhaps it has also something to do with the people on the realm like, on some lower populated german realms nobody does really care same with russian, but in the english speaking area everyone cares and "OH shit he cheats" "Why is he allowed but me not?" "I hate him" "blubb".. I guess you mean what I get like the ppl on english realms are much more paranoid and report all kind of shit while on the other realm the people do not take all kind of shit that seriously..and due my own testing the behavior on english speaking realms is really jealousy in all kind of things. You likely get reported by every 2nd guy just because no clue, You're exploring something, you get seen by somebody. First he thinks, Oh gosh nobody explores wow anymore, this must be a bot 100% sure -> report".
Another interesting fact is that most botters are reporting other botters because of jeaously or simply idiotically wich is very very common, specially in PvP or Arena grounds when a CR user notices oh this guy over there uses same cr as me but is still better and now i lost because of him "such a bitch!" -> Report!.. *rolleyes*