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Anyone generous enough


New Member
Oct 29, 2010
.. to help me max my daily profit? I'm not asking for your organs and neither am I asking for your blood. Just asking for some tips and tricks to increase my income.

Warrior: Mining/Herbalism
Mage: Tailoring/Inscription

My only profit is from herbs and ores by selling them cheap raw. I have no idea how to earn more gold using my other two proffessions. Should i give up Tailoring for Enchanting or Jewelcrafting? Any ideas on how i can make more gold and please some techniques.

Thank you for taking your time into reading this

At the moment, you should be able to make a tonne from ores, they're selling like hot cakes on every server I'm on. Not sure that tailoring is great for money but the spell threads should sell very well at the moment with people getting new gear (as will gems and enchants) You could also make some nice moggin' gear with tailoring (mageweave sets etc) that may or may not sell but I doubt it will be for serious gold. If you can get enchanting up pretty quick, you'll profit from that but you 'll have to make sure you get it done otherwise you'll miss the initial boat of everyone getting new gear but it's still worthwhile. Same with JC and you'll have to do lots of dailies to get some nice cuts in but there's loads of competition for gems. On my server I'm not sure JC is worth the hassle, as soon as my cuts are up, I'm undercut.
It really does depend on your server economy as to what the profit is in doing profs that use your raw mats, you need to research what is best after all what is good for someone else might be terrible on your server.
Cinderbloom sells for: 30 g/stack
Heartblossom sells for: 60 g/stack
Azshara's Veil sells for: 220g/stack (impossible to farm a stack)
Twilight Jasmine sells for: 70g/stack (impossible to farm a stack)

Elementium Ore sells for: 30g/stack
Pyrite Ore sells for: 35g/stack

And rest is none speakable.
Azshara's Veil 220g/stack??
Twilight Jasmine 70g/stack??
How is it impossible to farm a stack...use a twilight highlands profile mainly for herbalism and a Vash'jir profile, then find people to buy your Veil and Jasmine and give em like 125-150/stack and have them buy in mass quantities. I recently transferred to a high pop server bringing my gold and 5 bank tabs of mats, I spammed /2 WTS Ore IN BULK or /2 WTS Herbs IN BULK and after a day, I have a private buyer that buys all my Volatile Life, Jasmine, and Veil, another one that buys all of my gems, obsidium ore, pyrite ore, and elementium ore..and I am set. I have 2-3 accounts farming ~10-12 hours a day and put the mats in the guild bank and when I have some time to spare I CoD my mats to my buyers and by the time I log back on my bank alt to send more my money is in the mail ready to be spent! In all honest I (Or you) could make more money by spending time to make stuff, but I prefer just doing as little as possible for my gold. If you want to go with this route here are the best ways to do so:

1. Farm herbs and mill them and make inks to make cards to make decks to sell, either people need the trinkets for alts, or they are doing darkmoon faire rep (I believe there are mounts for them now)

2. Farm ore, prospect into gems and cut the gems to sell, with your extra green gems, transmute to blue gems to cut

3. Farm ore, prospect ore and turn the green and blue gems into jewelry to DE and sell the enchanting mats (Benefit of this is no posting cost on enchanting mats)

4. Farm herbs and make pots and flasks, at one point my big buisiness (Mainly in Wotlk) was to make a shit ton of flasks and sell them to big raiding guilds that would need a lot...cauldrons somewhat ruined that buisiness, but you might be able to find a guild interested in that...or you could just sell the flasks to buyers and on the AH

5. Smelt obsidium and elementium ore and make the cheapest green or blue legs (Require least amount of mats), craft the legs and then DE for more enchanting mats.

There are the tools for your tool kit...now go make something with them.
I want to make atleast 15k minimum each and every day :$ any ideas?