I have had a looong break from WoW, and was actually thinking of starting again, but is there any point in doing so if I wanna use HB for combat routines only? - Or has the bots lost to Blizzard?
I'd say pass on it unless you're willing to lose a number of accounts or you can maximize your gold output to make it worth it.
Once they figure out how to avoid the waves I'm more than happy to bot and love the program but til then, pass![]()
No offense, but why are you breathing our air? People need it for their brains.Ha, total nonsense! I've been AFK botting non-stop since the last banwave
I'm banned and am coming back in a little bit after i get my account back.
At this stage there is NO way i'm going to consider using HB - I was checking in on the forums semi-regularly however in watching the regular ban waves I'm starting to think there is no value in botting at this stage.
I understand there are others who do it on nonmains and the statement is never bot on an account you dont want to lose - but one of the best things was I could bot while watching a movie or doing work and my toons levelled for later play time.
I'd say pass on it unless you're willing to lose a number of accounts or you can maximize your gold output to make it worth it.
Once they figure out how to avoid the waves I'm more than happy to bot and love the program but til then, pass![]()
Best way to avoid a ban or suspension at this time, wait a few days after blizzard patch as been released to see how many people get banned and then when tripwire is off your good to go.
I still have my account because i never use it after the patch as been applyed.
I personally would not use HB for combat only at the current time - this is talk of a new 64bit rotation bot in the works.. Perhaps that would be the time for your return.
One would assume it's built from scratch, since they can keep it very simple, considering their experience and the fact that they don't need to support every old addition to HB..the 64 bit rotation bot wil just be as banneble as the x86 bot theree is not something more protected or something on the x64 bot or x86 if blizzard does their scans on bots and you botting at that time you wil even be banned on a x64 bot just like soapbox 64 bit rotation bot
How you know when tripwire is off ? andBest way to avoid a ban or suspension at this time, wait a few days after blizzard patch as been released to see how many people get banned and then when tripwire is off your good to go.
I still have my account because i never use it after the patch as been applyed.
the 64 bit rotation bot wil just be as banneble as the x86 bot theree is not something more protected or something on the x64 bot or x86 if blizzard does their scans on bots and you botting at that time you wil even be banned on a x64 bot just like soapbox 64 bit rotation bot
You will be banned with 99% probability in a few months.Ha, total nonsense! I've been AFK botting non-stop since the last banwave and someone even reported me on whisper and I'm still not banned, looks like tripwire is working as intended. they have no way to detect us right now, which could change in 6 months but HB is still the safest bot on the market by far.
HB has most certainly not lost, they are developing new products and just announced legendary buddy a great new way to support HB, they also had a victory in court over Bliz recently which is amazing, no other company could stand up to them like Bossland has
um it was firehack 64bit was the fire bot to be banned this year
soapbox 64bit was not banned nor his mac osx program, 32bit was yes in december along with many other 32bit tools that got picked up during the hb december banwave scan and that is why soap discontined 32bit due to blizzard focusing squarely on hb. Only 10% of his userbase got affected where firehack 64bit most were affected if you remember the outcry.
However like firehack 64bit was banned this year and a huge amount of its users got done it is very easy for them to go after 64bit tools, and i fear with hb going to 64bit rotation bot blizzard naturally will go after it more so and like december other 64bit tools like firehack, soapbox will get collected in collateral damage again but anyway who knows I use his Mac program tinfoil hat on![]()
Someone give this guy a truck load of cookiesHa, total nonsense! I've been AFK botting non-stop since the last banwave and someone even reported me on whisper and I'm still not banned, looks like tripwire is working as intended. they have no way to detect us right now, which could change in 6 months but HB is still the safest bot on the market by far.
HB has most certainly not lost, they are developing new products and just announced legendary buddy a great new way to support HB, they also had a victory in court over Bliz recently which is amazing, no other company could stand up to them like Bossland has
Mac os X for the save hehe...
I am using the stupid windows os only because of honorbuddy and only in vmware!!!!!
Make a proper rootkit based bot for a unix like OS and then i will laugh all day with Blizzard!!!!!
Mac os X for the save hehe...
I am using the stupid windows os only because of honorbuddy and only in vmware!!!!!
Make a proper rootkit based bot for a unix like OS and then i will laugh all day with Blizzard!!!!!