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Any advice would be appreciated


New Member
Dec 23, 2013
Hey everyone,
Id like to ask some advice from long time users of HB, before the last banwave i brought 5 accounts on the Christmas Winter sale, i got 50 toons to lvl 100 quite fast my aim for this wasnt to sell gold at all i wanted to see how much gold i could make and i quite liked seeing them all clean up the garrison with HBRelog. Those were all banned in the banwave (im not complaining i knew the risks) my question and where i need advice is ive stayed away from WoW since mainly because i sunk so many hours getting all those toons to lvl 100+salvage yard. Im considering doing it all again but what would i have to change to be safer, i understand that HB itself has been updated and it seems to be a lot safer (for the time being anyway), Im not too tech savvy so anything else that seasoned users could suggest would be appreciated.

Id just like to add a side note im sure i made loads of mistakes with those 5 accounts in terms of how they were setup in WoW but i tried to be a sensible user of HB, for example i monitored the first group of 5 in dungeons and only botted for 2-4 hours at a time and after that i boosted with a Lvl 100 and 4 others following and not doing any combat at all. I never ran HB overnight and even when i did have them all lvl 100 cleaning garrison i was at my computer in order to monitor in case of getting stuck.

Anyway sorry for the large block of text and i hope that's enough info for you guys to make an educated guess on how to be safer, if it is just a case of having 5 accounts is just dangerous regardless then i can live with that, i've seen users say they have more that 5 accounts and be safe so i just assumed it was my mistake.
It's all come down to just 2 words : Player report

So what's the solution? Avoid be seen by humans/players as much as possible. Be less like bot, be more human.

That's all - you just need to expand on that and find strategies that work for you.
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I would agree with the previous poster (JGReen). You will most likely be caught/banned by player reports (this has been my experience at least). This is especially true if you PvP - people HATE seeing bots in BGs and will report you till their fingers bleed from clicking the "Report Player" option so many times.

The best advise I would give is to make your account look as human as possible and try to avoid interaction with others whenever you can (unless you're of course playing yourself). I would also stay away from locations where other botters are known to be. They're a lot of asshole botters out there who will report you for botting even though they are botting themselves. You know the old saying... "there's no honor among thieves" LOL
Hi Regal+JGreen,
Firstly thanks for your feedback, ive seen in a lot of threads about player reports, ive been trying to think back to moments where i could have been reported, to answer a point Regal posted i never PvP'ed on any account i knew this was a bad idea and all the BG's ive ever done have been hand controlled with the combat controlled by a CR, the only thing i can think off that looks shady is i would keep my toons in the same building whilst doing dungeons initially, so id have 5 characters stood next to a NPC to repair my items. As i said previously i tried to be as normal as possible, i used ISBoxer so i had an in-built macro for following so that didn't look shady. I understand no one can give me a definitive answer i was just curious if it was me doing something wrong or i was just caught up in the banwave. Anyway thanks again for your feedback i really do appreciate it, ill have a think about doing it again.
B.G reports get followed up pretty quick

Open world can too but seems to be less risky since even if you get that good old fellow botter that is jealous and reports you as he can't handle competition a few reports don't lead to a straight ban at the start, however 10 to 30+ a day will as in b.gs people know how to report bots and do so within a whim we have all seen it in action.

If detection happens your screwed either way like the rest of us so bot away and don't worry about it.

Just the things you got to be aware are trading gold and items between accounts even though they are yours like love to jump at, not so much the grinding/using same p.c/same i.p even 24/7.

But then again what I've seen may not be the same as others.