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Hello, I am looking for any anti stucker that is working right now. I tried many others and they just won't load or are not working. Thanks for replaying!
Yeah I'd really like an anti-stuck plugin. Shouldnt it be simple? If HB detects that you are stuck/havent done anything+havent moved in a certain amount of time, click all over the damn place, jump, fly, mount, etc. If that doesnt work, then use the "Im Stuck!" Help hearth? or your own heartstone for that matter?
Yeah I'd really like an anti-stuck plugin. Shouldnt it be simple? If HB detects that you are stuck/havent done anything+havent moved in a certain amount of time, click all over the damn place, jump, fly, mount, etc. If that doesnt work, then use the "Im Stuck!" Help hearth? or your own heartstone for that matter?