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[ANSWERED] Honorbuddy.launcher.exe


New Member
Apr 24, 2016
Hey, I have no idea how or why but my honorbuddy file doesn't have my honorbuddy.launcher.exe file where it can open up my wow and start the program. Please help me solve this. I just bought it again and now it won't work.
Everytime I use hb.exe it says there is a 64 bit version of wow running (though I've tried both 32 and 64 bit, they both say the same thing) and that I need to run the honorbuddy launcher, but there is no launcher. :confused:
Literally that is exactly what is happening to me and I just bought Honorbuddy again and then i got the update now i don't have the launcher....
run wow in 32 bit in that case

Got the same problem. This happens when I install the latest version of HB r15239. The shortcut on the Desktop also points to a non-existing EXE file.

However, when I install a previous HB version it works fine. It seems something is changed in the last HB version and/or Windows 10 removes the EXE because it doesn't like something in Honorbuddy.launcher.exe.

N.B. Installed HB from scratch on a new Windows 10 system.
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Tony, the argument here is legit, looks like whoever update the software has misplaced the Launcher that Automatically launches the game in 32 bit (and always been there)
could you please get someone to rectify and let us know when this will be fixed
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I have had the exact same problem. this is now fixed you can go into settings on battle.net app and choose the option to open WoW in 32bit instead of 64, when you do this you should be able to open HB
I have had the exact same problem. this is now fixed you can go into settings on battle.net app and choose the option to open WoW in 32bit instead of 64, when you do this you should be able to open HB

Thanks for trying to help lambertsafc, Tony is a moderator and has slightly more impact on such issues. yes, the bot will work if you run the game manually but that means every time you want to use the bot you need to go to My PC select the drive it's installed , Users, public, games, world of warcraft..... etc...etc... oh and yeah we can all make short cuts so we don't have to do this again. but if you read my initial comment i said that the bot ALWAYS had a Launcher built in which runs the game in 32 bit
mode, seems it was left out in the last update(828) and someone needs to fix it.
again, thanks for your reply but still waiting to hear from Tony.
for now i'm still running the previous version which has been updated to the 828 and has the launcher but would be nice to have a Clean 828 version :)
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Thank you all for following my thread and addressing such an issue with me. I have had NO problems up until this last update where it permanently deleted the launcher and I don't know how to get it back. I have gone through and tried to run WoW from 32bit and I can't seem to get it to stay 32 bit when I open the game....So please Tony if you could address this issue. I'll keep trying to do stuff but it's really frustrating.
Thank you all for following my thread and addressing such an issue with me. I have had NO problems up until this last update where it permanently deleted the launcher and I don't know how to get it back. I have gone through and tried to run WoW from 32bit and I can't seem to get it to stay 32 bit when I open the game....So please Tony if you could address this issue. I'll keep trying to do stuff but it's really frustrating.

Only temp. solution I have for you is to install a previous version of HB from scratch and let it update itself. In that case you have all the files and it will run fine.
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repair your wow installation and pick 32bit under Bnet launcher settings
Hi, all,

More info here:
[post=2215682]Honorbuddy.launcher.exe is no longer shipped[/post]

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If I can't figure out a solution can I get a refund because I haven't even got to use it since this update and I don't think its necessarily fair that I paid this money to not even use what I bought. So if there's anyway we could set up a time for a skype meeting or something that be great if someone could please help me out....Because i've tried literally everything.
Its kinda impossible not to be able to fix your wow instalation and have it run it under 32bit

There is a 7 days,no questions asked,refund period
Well i think im passed that, so how do I fix my wow instalation. is there anyway you could skype with me or some type of voice so I can figure this out. I never had a problem until the update.