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RebornBuddy Forums

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[ANSWERED] Forum Rules and Constant Fighting


New Member
Jun 27, 2016
I am trying to wrap my head around why there isn't a rule against picking fights on the forums. It gets old seeing post after post of negativity towards botters. I understand the rule of not targeting other forum members, but what about a forum member targeting everyone? I feel this issue needs to be addressed as the recent tripwire discussion devolved yet again and its getting old.
About forum moderation...

Hi, Superus,

Its a delicate balancing act—allowing people to say what they want versus unwarranted accusions of 'heavy handed' moderation, or being called forum Nazis [size=-2](which we have been called on a number of occasions)[/size]. We always try to do the job to the best of our abilities, with a sense of fair play, and understanding of what is 'right'.

  • We try to keep the forums as open as possible.
    We even allow wrong information [size=-2](that a little research can correct)[/size], outright displays of ignorance, and mild libel of Bossland GmbH to remain most of the time—as long as Community members are not being hurt. The Buddy forums are not a 'safe space'.

    In particular, there are many times we'd like to scream at the utterly uninformed, and outright wrong 'information' and opinions about Tripwire. But most of the staff are wise enough to know that its pointless to argue with an ignorant, opinionated cretin. Also, providing details to correct the misinformation would give our adversary an unnecessary advantage. [size=-2](The adversary is known to be monitoring the forums, and there's nothing anyone can do about that. Locking the forums is a non-starter, because a multi-billion dollar company could probably scrape together 25 Euro for forum admission.)[/size] So, we bite our tongue and leave it for the rest of the Community to come to their own decisions—even if they reach wrong conclusions.

  • Because you don't agree with someone is no reason for them to be censored.
    It is jaw-droppingly shocking how many people believe that opinions with which they do not agree should be removed.

  • The forums provide an 'ignore' facility.
    If you do not have the personal fortitude to ignore a forum troll without help, then the forum can provide the assistance.

  • You may not agree with the moderators' decisions to remove posts, or to let them remain.
    Our moderation decisions are peer reviewed when we allow questionable material to remain, or take strong action. This is a simple check to make certain the action is warranted in the 'bigger picture'.

  • With a very large forum, we miss things also.
    The Honorbuddy forum is only one of many forums provided by Bossland GmbH. Many of the forum mods are developers, or have other important responsibilities. If you feel we missed something, feel free to report the post.

    We DO read all the reports against forum posts. We make judgement calls not only on individual posts, but also in 'patterns' of posts. For this reason, you'll see someone troll posting for a while, then all of the sudden they will be muted for one or six months. [size=-2](See "Troublemakers / Griefers" in BosslandGmbH:Forums:Bannable Offenses.)[/size] Most people don't notice the absence, other than the forums are 'peaceful' for a while.

  • The moderators are probably not reading the same offending post/thread at the same time you are.
    By choice, our forum is not setup to approve posts prior to their display. Because of other responsibilities, the moderators do not stare at the Buddy forum screen and constantly hit the F5 key. So, it takes some time for action to be effected.

    For the thread in question, MANY posts were removed, and infractions handed out. Albeit, it happened a few hours after the posts were made.

  • We largely ask that people just do not use foul language, and be civil to each other.
    If someone makes an argumentative, abrasive, ignorant, or uninformed post → that is the reputation they are choosing to build for themselves in the Community. They will have to live by the reputation they create. It is their choice to make. But, if it gets out of hand, the 'Griefer' penalty is waiting for them, also.

In short, the forums are a private venue owned by Bossland GmbH. "Free speech" does not apply here, although we try to adhere closely to the principles. So, you should be prepared to ignore those that deserve it.

Forum moderation decisions are not open for public debate. If you have problems with a particular moderation decision, the [post=51]forum rules[/post] identify how to address the issue.

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