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Another teleport


New Member
May 23, 2011
After being banned last week on main account i started a new trial. When i hit lvl 20 i upgraded it to
wotlk and started questing.

Used Cava as a questing profile and singular for a cc.

Lets get clear, this account was brand new, new email, new bnet, new everything. Yes, no new IP but no one
bans on ip since most are public ones.

At lvl 35 i was in plaguelands, all of a sudden i was in wetlands in the keep on one
of the little staircases that lead to the outer walls.

Since i dont bot no more unattended and because of a long loading screen while being
teleported i was lucky enough to be able to shut down the bot fast. Said something
like wtf bugged game and asked in guild fast if someone noticed something or had similar
problems in this game since i was... new? Nothing happened so far, so i think i was lucky as fuck.

Account is one day and 5 hours old.

Dont come with the bs no more that these are player reports. Why would someone teleport me
while i was questing, even supervised. So i see if theres a stuck and all that, nothing happenend
and poof a teleport.

This shit is starting to get scary, stop closing threads about this and for real, did you realy close a
poll about being banned the last 2 weeks, but before you did, you had to add a 1000 votes to no?
We all knows who does this, it has not been the first time that this was done.


Thats just pathetic. Afraid it will scare new users off? It should imo, cause it is all BUT safe now to
do anything even close to botting.
HAHAHA I just noticed they added a ton to 'no' as well....that is hands down a dead give away...who does that....
hhahaha I can't believe it either, last time I checked that poll it had 65% yes and 35% no ;D
LOL you are so right, most polls have about 200 votes, that one has more than 1000 votes. It's hilarious, It's clear what's going on here...
hmzz weird i never got a teleport thing anything but what i do saw one time was a fatigue in northernd where i couldnt get a fatigue but im mostly behind pc when i bot for long hours a day but ye if it only happns with cava profiles use kicks profiles i never had happned teleporting from a gm to me.
I wont use kicks profiles, every again. They contain way to many bugs / removed quests and stuck spots. No thanks.
Cava's profiles are working very well and after using his work on everything i had on my main account from 85-90, im sure his
leveling profiles are good aswell.

Me being teleported had nothing to do with his profiles, nothing went wrong while questing, no stucks, no weird movement.
I was here 100 % aswell. Still got teleported.
I bought a new account 5-6 days ago, only using kicks profiles, its now 81.
Sure it gets stuck sometimes, and unsure if i got teleported but fatigued and ended up in stormwind 2 days ago. (from somewhere in BC)

Nevertheless its working fine, it just keeps botting :p
Running it in a VM, V.P.N tunnel, fresh b.net, name, mail etc (pro..) :P

Main is also only using kicks, 5 lvl 90's now.
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Ever stop to think that the GM's have more time to go after botters? And with the pressure from the community on botters from BgBot abuse we are very high target atm. I am still 0/6 accounts banned or suspended during this "ban wave of omg HB is detected."

You don't think that they may monitor ip's with related botting incidents now too? If the bugs in the game decrease, then there are less reports, which means more free time for GM's to GM Fly around the world and rustle our little botter jimmies.
again, no one said hb is detected... path tracking might be implemented by blizzard one way or the other.

Do you realy think gm's have more time now? Nah, they stepped up a notch , thats all.

the fact that no dev whatsoever reported on any of the threads says this is more then likely happening.
Webhond is speaking the truth.

Community / Mods / Etc

Stop trying to blame the methods of "Botters" and face the fact that Blizzard have "Up'd" their game on banning, and Honorbuddy's duty is to adapt and try work around it and atleast acknowledge the facts and give the community a response about the situation. Whether or not your trying to find a solution, ignoring the problem, or just denying the facts. Please take a stance, the community deserves some feedback even if the news might be harsh. The community deserves to know.

I was just doing a gathering session with my own personally made profile;I was about two hours in, and I got ported into a hut that was at-least 300 yards from my nearest hotspot. My WoW crashed right as I went into a loading screen. I haven't got banned yet.

I thought the gm's actually porting people was bullshit, well I suppose it's not.
If they have up'd their game and lets assume pathing detection, why wouldn't they do an across the board ban ?
Why isnt EVERYONE using kicks / cavas profiles banned/suspended now ?

I'm not taking a stance for either side but if you claim they up'd their game, why wouldn't they make use of it ?
It's obvious why this is happening, people abused so much botting 24/7. farming nodes, bg's... the wow community spammed all over the wow forums, this made blizzard turn against botters and making their first priority to ban us all and improving their detection system, that's my opinion why the bans are massivly increasing
If they have up'd their game and lets assume pathing detection, why wouldn't they do an across the board ban ?
Why isnt EVERYONE using kicks / cavas profiles banned/suspended now ?

I'm not taking a stance for either side but if you claim they up'd their game, why wouldn't they make use of it ?

There could be several reasons:

1. Not tipping their hand there is a banwave nets more money in future sales of the game licenses.
2. People manually leveling up will invariably do the same quests and pathing will be similar because the minimap tells you where to go. Can't ban innocents.
3. It isn't a full on detection, but they are stepping up "patrols" of common stuff to double check and keep people honest.
4. Insert any other reason here.