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That's all it does, simply stands there giving me this error. I've tried restarting both wow and hbuddy several times
without any success. Would appreciate any help
So what am i suppost to do actually? Not sure where you want me to put theese
edit: I noticed there are actually 2 different Quest behaviours folders. One is in your kick ass mega pack
and one is in the hbuddy default folder, I'm trying to move over the q behaviour files from urs to the default
will add another edit if it sorted the issue
edit2: Noticed there are actually 3 different q behaviour folders im trying both i guess?
edit3: Successful when it comes to vechicle questing. Afterwards the bot doesen't even attack mobs simply pulls a shitload
runs away and dies trying. Luckily i saved a copy of the old quest behaviour folder............ Would prefer a solution that contains both succesful vechicle quests and successful regular behaviours.
Not really a solution, is it? Other people might run into the same issue so if it's really a bot/profile issue then I'd rather people post it so we can solve it for future users/toons.