Were other users that had a suspension recently also using SBR?
i stopped using honor buddy at pre patch cause shaman enhance rotation sucks right now. Ive been using sbr daily since then no bans
Seems to only be SBR users?
I doubt it. They would also have to remove the achievements, mounts, and whatever else. Bliz is not known to be reasonable. They will allow these companies to spam global endlessly, making it seem (to noob players) like there is nothing illegitimate about their services.he should appeal the ban then. best case scenario they remove all gear & gold he obtained through the carry.
been running 4 accounts, 2 using HB only rotations with Enyo and 2 running only SBR, Both HB are banned SBR still going.
Used both HB and SBR since last week and didnt get banned, maybe it was an older detection and I dodged or I will get banned soon. Mainly to quest/dun/invasion, didnt use to raid or pvp.