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Another ban to add to list (first one)


New Member
Dec 19, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? both

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: release

3)If so, when was the last time?: last night for about 3 hours using grind bot on a lower level (monitored while playing diablo)

4)What profile were you using?: [H - Grind] Toxxer's Sholazar Basin 75-80

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: default brewmaster

6)What plugins are you using?: RareKiller3

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: varied day to day. yesterday was only about 3-4 hours monitored. normally anywhere from 6-12 hours gatherbuddy or grind bot depending on what i'm doing. Always 80% monitored

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? very little. 80%

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: Depends on the day and what i farmed. normally never more then 80-100 every few days twice a week normally. i mostly sold in bulk via cod to a guildy

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Never

12)EU or US realm? us

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid account since vanilla

I wasn't botting when the ban happened. i was sitting afk in dalaran waiting on a raid to fill via oqueue, ran to store to get smokes and came back disconnected saying account was terminated.

[email protected]

10:41 AM (3 hours ago)

to me

Account: *********
Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard has terminated this World of Warcraft license after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, and hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.

Blizzard reserves the right to terminate access for conduct of this nature, with or without warning, as noted in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use:
Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use

This page contains details on how suspensions are appealed and reviewed:

Blizzard Entertainment

Currently waiting on ticket to be overturned/also on hold on the phone with blizzard as well. will post results once i hear something more. Just to add i always bot carefully and never leave bot unsupervised for more then 20% of the time it's active. mostly use private custom profiles, except a few grind profiles for lowbies i like. never been banned in 5-6 years of botting with multiple accounts. damn shame first ban comes to main account too lol. and i always make it look as if im present when bot is running, ill tab screens from what im doing to the bot and carry on conversation with someone while bot is doing its thing ect. to make it look as though im actually present and not botting. Demonbuddy was also running on the same battlenet and was untouched. i actually just shut it off when i submitted the ticket about the ban.
over turned to 72 hour. wouldnt provide any further information obviously, just said that it was banned for suspicious activity. wouldnt say when, why, or anything. asked if i used any automation addons, i mentioned oqueue which im sure you're all familiar with if you play wow much, and they said that oqueue is a violation of tos and could have thrown the flag but they couldn't see that information to be sure. guess no more wow for 3 days on this account sigh
How did you get it overturned so fast. It was 4 hours since I submitted mine and still no response.
Congratz on the overturn and if they ban oQue their forums will be flooded. A Ton of legit users use that along with a lot of us :D Take care!!
There's a good and valid information on this thread, thanks for it. Will it save for further use.
I got my overturned to a 72 hour ban also. Got a live chat GM and just talked to them about real life for a little bit and he lowered it.

I have been using my own custom mining profile for past 2 weeks, probably 4-6 hours a day of mining. I have not had 1 whisper from anyone in 2 weeks.

Last night i did use the tyreal plugin for a raid for the first time ever. I noticed it would constantly spam certain keys and so forth like it was bottlenecking the game. If I had to guess this is what flagged my account. triggering x amount of spells/moves in a given second or w/e. Probably through up a red flag that this could only be achieved by a 3rd prog and not by a human.
How did you get it overturned so fast. It was 4 hours since I submitted mine and still no response.

I called them on the phone lol. i put the ticket in to overturn it, and then immediately called them up on the phone and waited on hold for 15 minutes. guy on the phone got it overturned for me fairly quick. wouldn't tell me why it was banned, just said suspicious activity. after inquiring about oqueue he pulled it up on his end and read over it and said there was a good chance it may have caused the flag for my ban because oqueue automatically adds people to your list and what not, and that's a form of automation which is completely against blizzard tos. about an hour ago i got a call from a buddy relating to this ban, and he said that a blizzard gm had said something either on a forum or email about oqueue and said they have completely broken the addon and oqueue will no longer work. not sure if this is true as i have not been on wow since the ban today. but im curious if it was possibly the addon that may have flagged some or all of us? i know the addon randomly at times will spam whisper someone on my list with tons of jibberish which is probably some sort of code from the addon that makes no sense. and it only sends to someone else that runs oq. i noticed it again last night on my diablo window. i was botting wow while playing diablo and i was spam whispering a fellow oqueue user jibberish from the addon. as soon as i told the addon to go dark on the wow window it stopped.
oQue still works :) If you visit Blizz forums you'll see this question come up and it's never been told that it can't be used. The reason it was dropped from curse site is because the addon has a donation button which is against Blizz TOS. Yes, if they didn't want us using it they would break it and it's not broken. I'd like for them to actually make an improved oQue, now that would be sweet!