Bots Botting at Botanica - YouTube says it all.
Botting in botanica is 600g per hour per bot. 10$ per SoR account, 24x600=14k per dayx7 days a week=100k per week per bot. Without relying on AH or anything. Assuming your bots last 1 day you get your money back, anything after that is gravy.
Do this with 10 bots thats 1 million gold per week assuming a low price of 0.5$ (chinese pay more) you are looking at 500$ per week for 10 bots. Since this does not rely on a specific server economy you can have hundreds of bots if u want. Assuming the lifespan of 1 account is 1 week. There is tons of money to be made doing that. A SoR account requires no work. Make a profile to get to botanica and gogo make money.
Correct me if im wrong but thats what makes it worth it