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An HB Eligibility Quiz

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New Member
Jan 31, 2012
There should be a quiz after purchasing HB and before being able to use the bot. It's almost unbearable to come on the forums and see these questions that are repeatedly asked and answered.

TOP 5 Repetitive Threads that are made.
"Just bought hb, how do i use it?"
"My bot doesn't do anything"
"My character is doing low level quests"
"Oh EM GEE, look at all the bots using the same path"
"Is HB safe?"

Here is what I think should be required to use HB

1 - In the support thread, it should be mandatory to post your log, or else you can't make a new thread. (Tony would have 1/2 his work done for him already)
2 - After buying HB, you should have to reply to 10 posts before being able to make your own thread.
3 - There should be a questionnaire about the basics of what hb is, what are plugins, what are CC's, etc.

Thats my rant for the day.
totaly agreed on this mate, if they did this then i wont have to post this sentence : use the search button on the right top

or : read the guides in the guide section
There should be a quiz after purchasing HB and before being able to use the bot. It's almost unbearable to come on the forums and see these questions that are repeatedly asked and answered.

TOP 5 Repetitive Threads that are made.
"Just bought hb, how do i use it?"
"My bot doesn't do anything"
"My character is doing low level quests"
"Oh EM GEE, look at all the bots using the same path"
"Is HB safe?"

Here is what I think should be required to use HB

1 - In the support thread, it should be mandatory to post your log, or else you can't make a new thread. (Tony would have 1/2 his work done for him already)
2 - After buying HB, you should have to reply to 10 posts before being able to make your own thread.
3 - There should be a questionnaire about the basics of what hb is, what are plugins, what are CC's, etc.

Thats my rant for the day.

This whole post is irrelevant and un-needed. People purchased a product, they can use these forums as they want. If their post breaks a rule, a moderator will deal with it. Some people don't read sticky's or guides before they starting using something, and that's their right as an end user to do so, and their right to post here asking for help. They get instructed in what to do in order to get support, and we move on to the next one.

There are a few profile/plugin/bot base developers that posted their projects before they had 10 posts, if that was a rule then there would have been more useless posts in threads taking up space, instead of them being able to post their projects.
This whole post is irrelevant and un-needed. People purchased a product, they can use these forums as they want. If their post breaks a rule, a moderator will deal with it. Some people don't read sticky's or guides before they starting using something, and that's their right as an end user to do so, and their right to post here asking for help. They get instructed in what to do in order to get support, and we move on to the next one.

There are a few profile/plugin/bot base developers that posted their projects before they had 10 posts, if that was a rule then there would have been more useless posts in threads taking up space, instead of them being able to post their projects.

This is a forum, not a help desk. A forum is where you discuss NEW issues that come up, not the same 5 every day in a new thread. If the user isnt inclined enough to know how to read forums and find information on the internet, then they shouldn't be botting. This is why there is a guide made so that new users dont clog up the forums and keep all the devs bussy with posting the same reply, "post your log."

and the fact that you are even bringing developers into this convo is mind boggling. Dev's arent the ones who are starting new threads with stupid issues, they are users of HB already. Im sure the dev didnt just say hey, im going to make this plugin, but i dont know for what program.....No, they clearly have knowledge about HB. No legit "new" user is going to be making profiles/plugins/cc's.

I stand by what i said, ok, maybe 5 posts before making your own thread. Still, if a person cant look themself to resolve in issue like logging in, they should be using it.
This is a forum, not a help desk. A forum is where you discuss NEW issues that come up, not the same 5 every day in a new thread. If the user isnt inclined enough to know how to read forums and find information on the internet, then they shouldn't be botting. This is why there is a guide made so that new users dont clog up the forums and keep all the devs bussy with posting the same reply, "post your log."

and the fact that you are even bringing developers into this convo is mind boggling. Dev's arent the ones who are starting new threads with stupid issues, they are users of HB already. Im sure the dev didnt just say hey, im going to make this plugin, but i dont know for what program.....No, they clearly have knowledge about HB. No legit "new" user is going to be making profiles/plugins/cc's.

I stand by what i said, ok, maybe 5 posts before making your own thread. Still, if a person cant look themself to resolve in issue like logging in, they should be using it.

If you don't like it, don't read their posts. I'm sure that bossland wouldn't jepordize his business because some kid on the forums whined about people asking for help.
If you don't like it, don't read their posts. I'm sure that bossland wouldn't jepordize his business because some kid on the forums whined about people asking for help.

And im sure bossland wouldn't mind not having to pay someone to post "post your log."

your either so narrow-minded that you can't see what im talking about, or your just a "kid" and dont realize that people shouldn't be making a thread asking how to login. You realize this is just time wasted? There are hundreds of posts on the same issues, thats why there is a search function on the forum. You dont think that the dev's are annoyed by having to answer the same question hour in and hour out? Go read and tell me how many times in the past 3 days that tony has replied with, post your log. Its un-needed, its a waste of time and money for both him and bossland.

How can we as users expect improvements to hb when they deal with something that could be solved with a simple solution. Read before you post. end of story.
Tony doesn't do development. Period. I'm not a "kid" either. I save peoples lives for a living, and I have to put up with people WAY dumber than the people you're complaining about. You have to remember that you can't expect greatness out of everyone. Some people aren't computer literate. Some people think that honorbuddy is a one click solution for 1-85, which it can be, but you have to learn how to use the program first.

I do see what you're talking about, but by not allowing people to purchase a product because they don't know how to read or do it would severely limit the market. If you limit the market, you can't afford to hire and pay developers. If you can't hire and pay your developers, you can't have a product. There are plenty of threads on this forum that don't have nonsense over and over, their just harder to find, because it's one thread here and there with a few hundred reply's versus a hundred threads, with three or four reply's.
first of all, go look at only today, and see how many of the same questions were answered yesterday.

I didnt say take a questionnaire before buying hb. I said take after buying it and before being able to make your own threads. This isn't asking for greatness or going to make a difference in the amount of sales. If you dont have the knowledge to answer some basic questions or be able to reply to 5 threads, then u shouldnt be botting.

5 basic questions.
1) is hb safe = no bot is safe, dont bot if you dont want to be banned.
2)what are profiles = paths generated by a developer (usually) that run a predetermined route to do a predetermined task.
3)what is a CC = its a custom class, its the routine your character will follow when attacking.
4)my toon is doing gray quests, what do i do = http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...e/23279-quest-eastern-kingdoms-1-58-kick.html
5)this one is a freebie, post your log when making a thread about an issue.

or, have the user reply to 5 threads, thus making them use the search button.

still think if making a thread about an issue, it must be mandatory to post a log
FACT the support section of the thread is indeed for support, everything from "i cant find my key" to "my bot is acting weird" yes it would be nice if people searched more before posting, but that's not always going to happen, if your bothered by all the stupid questions, then here is what you do. its really simple, DONT POST. we cant moderate every single thread all the time, if you guys have a problem with a person or a post, then report the post and we will deal with it. thats all there is to it.
am i reading what i wrote in a different way than everyone else? Im simply saying that you guys, as in the devs and moderators, bend over backwards day in and day out to respond to the same questions. Perhaps make a sticky of all the topics that come up daily, and stick it on every page.

This was more or less me just ranting, but in the same manner, trying to prove a point. I think the end user has to be held to a certain extent to be able to read a FAQ sheet rather than, im to lazy to search, i'll make a new thread in stead of searching for the same topic.

But by all means, if no one cares about answering the same question everyday, then there really isn't a problem :)

but it does bother me, i dont like illiterate people who play a computer game but can't search for their issue.
If the forums didn't have people constantly asking questions CodenameG would be out of work. Why are you trying to put him out of work, what did he ever do to you!
am i reading what i wrote in a different way than everyone else? Im simply saying that you guys, as in the devs and moderators, bend over backwards day in and day out to respond to the same questions. Perhaps make a sticky of all the topics that come up daily, and stick it on every page.

This was more or less me just ranting, but in the same manner, trying to prove a point. I think the end user has to be held to a certain extent to be able to read a FAQ sheet rather than, im to lazy to search, i'll make a new thread in stead of searching for the same topic.

But by all means, if no one cares about answering the same question everyday, then there really isn't a problem :)

but it does bother me, i dont like illiterate people who play a computer game but can't search for their issue.
i have a text file open with links i use often, heres what it contains.




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yea, it would be nice if all repeat questions where answered, but you cant stop them, not only that but we just cant NOT offer support. if we didnt help people there would be more refunds and no one would be happy.
not saying dont offer support, You do offer support. FAQ sticky, which the other dude who flamed my post made, is something that should be implemented and stuck on every page of the forums.

I mean, codenameG, im sure you have better things to do then answer those repetitive questions that have 2 word answers. Thats kind of what my point is about this whole topic
I created a thread in the support forum with a template for issues. Let me know if you think it needs anything else Sol. Maybe we could work together to end noobism.
not saying dont offer support, You do offer support. FAQ sticky, which the other dude who flamed my post made, is something that should be implemented and stuck on every page of the forums.

I mean, codenameG, im sure you have better things to do then answer those repetitive questions that have 2 word answers. Thats kind of what my point is about this whole topic
i never give two word answers. and everytime i ask for something unless i really am busy, i always say please and try and explain why im asking for what im asking for.
now, as for that thread, ill deal with it. its a nice thought, but it needs to be made by a moderator, and it needs more information.

thread closed.
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