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Alternatives to Gathering?


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
So both prices and demand seem to have plummeted on my server since patch. I imagine some of yall are witnessing the same, some maybe not. I've been continuing to gather with my bots however I am beggining to consider alternatives as I'm sure some others have also. Before I get the flamers with all the usual "do the research posts", save it, I am, Im simply posting this here because this is the forum for such disscussion.

I only run two farming bots so Im going to begin experimenting with one while the other stays gathering. Im going to try to find some good spots using HB that drop lots of grey/greens etc., basically a good gold/kill ratio. Im pretty interested to see how the net gold/hour compares becasue the lack of demand coupled with lower prices in the AH may very well end up favoring the steady/dependable nature of mob farming. The general goal will be to farm spots that do not require the AH, simply vendoring.

I'll post my findings here and in the meantime if anyone has any "hotspots" that they think might be a good stomping groud or any experience with this kinda thing, please dont hesitate to chime in.

HB seems to make around 8k from level 1-80 for me so you should make a steady amount if you find the right spot

i recommend trying some place in ice crown not many people go because grays there sell 3g+ each
So both prices and demand seem to have plummeted on my server since patch. I imagine some of yall are witnessing the same, some maybe not. I've been continuing to gather with my bots however I am beggining to consider alternatives as I'm sure some others have also. Before I get the flamers with all the usual "do the research posts", save it, I am, Im simply posting this here because this is the forum for such disscussion.

I only run two farming bots so Im going to begin experimenting with one while the other stays gathering. Im going to try to find some good spots using HB that drop lots of grey/greens etc., basically a good gold/kill ratio. Im pretty interested to see how the net gold/hour compares becasue the lack of demand coupled with lower prices in the AH may very well end up favoring the steady/dependable nature of mob farming. The general goal will be to farm spots that do not require the AH, simply vendoring.

I'll post my findings here and in the meantime if anyone has any "hotspots" that they think might be a good stomping groud or any experience with this kinda thing, please dont hesitate to chime in.

this makes sense :) keep us updated interesting to see how this works out

I do have 5.2k GS on my farmer, although I'm a lock.

Maybe I should try gathering for 24hours
HB for 24hours to let the auctions sell so I don't flood.

This could work well.
skinning is still good gold ...
i can sell heaps of heavy borean leather
real fast at 160g/stack plus arctic fur
still going for good prices..

as far as farming i have 2 farmers one has gone back to farming cobalt ore
the other is in outlands farming herbs and ore.
i am doing very well with those 2 and my skinner

best of luck to you.
I actually do not have a skinner, I might have to try that. Thanks for the tip. I've typically allways gathered herbs/mines from colbalt down to fel iron, rotating where Im farming based on what I have the most supply of. I couldnt agree with you more about Saronite, F that. The problem lately has been supply. I find myself with huge back logs of everything and mailbox full of returned auctions. I havnt resorted to dramatically undercutting AH as of yet.

I dont really have any meaningful results as far as the mob grinding goes yet. If I can just consistently clear 100 gold an hour though, I would be really satisfied with it. Dealing with the AH is just plain frustrating lately.
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I'd say find some higher level jc's bs alchs on your server and have them (if the price is right) turn them to flasks and belt buckles and prospect for gems if you have such a surplus just a suggestion feel free to ignore me.
Well, after conducting some runs on a few different spots in Icecrown and Storm peaks, the best I think I can come up with is about 100-125ish gold an hour. This is without skinning, which Im curious to try. The most successful spot dropped only gold, greys, greens, random shit, and frostweave. They are 79-80 humanoid type mobs. You might be able to crank more out of it with a toon capable of killing faster, my enhancement shaman made pretty short work of the mobs but Im sure you could probably eek a few more kills per hour out of the profile.

I dont feel good about running a bot in one single location for close to 24 hours/day so I think im going to alternate between gathering and botting as auction list grows to large from gathering.

If anyone is interested in the profile, speak up and I'll post it in the HB profile section.
Well, after conducting some runs on a few different spots in Icecrown and Storm peaks, the best I think I can come up with is about 100-125ish gold an hour. This is without skinning, which Im curious to try. The most successful spot dropped only gold, greys, greens, random shit, and frostweave. They are 79-80 humanoid type mobs. You might be able to crank more out of it with a toon capable of killing faster, my enhancement shaman made pretty short work of the mobs but Im sure you could probably eek a few more kills per hour out of the profile.

I dont feel good about running a bot in one single location for close to 24 hours/day so I think im going to alternate between gathering and botting as auction list grows to large from gathering.

If anyone is interested in the profile, speak up and I'll post it in the HB profile section.

I am very interested in the profile ;D
I will post the mesh and profile later today then. I suppose you could also level there starting at level 78ish.
I have been going back and farming low level mats that are required for lvling everything from cooking to blacksmithing. Really not working at all sadly. The problem is that the demand is just not there. Sure you may be able to sell some raptor flesh for 40g a stack but only 5 stacks sell every week. Prices for low level mats are high but not high enough to make up for the low demand. I have been locking for a grinding spot that combines some rare drop, like a pet or mount, and some nice greens and grays that sell for a lot. I think that the rare drop is a must becuase if you grind for example mammoths out in the tundra for 10 hours people will wonder what you are doing. I will do more research and see what i can find.