allready do, he say yes, need 2-3 days ask what to add and after he talk to dev group or something and say me no.
i solve this problem with 200$ and buy my all bots tabs

and now i must pay for bot menegment to other person in my office
but this is not good
i want add more bots, just sold 25k chromes and need more ^_^
The reason he said no, is pretty simple : he don't wanna deal with people that whine all day for features and stuff. Let's take a look at AIF, at start, we were all on the project and with the BETA people had to work on other projects like questplugin... AIF's thread became a shitfest the first day the awakening was live. Pretty heard to keep the head out of the water, when people report things without logs, infos and such.
Most of the plugins are not released for that same reason, people try to bot with public *px* and 1k ms, then they decide to post "Hey, shit isn't working" on the forum.
Money don't solve everything, especially a community like this
Some users are very kind, they help a lot, and it's very cool since we have something to do beside botting, jobs, gfs (not dbf he's gay), hobbies... But the other "dark" side of the community (yeap, little ref. to sw huhu) is not a motivation factor.
Paying for plugins is not a good idea, especially for PoE (HB has a store for the bot, pretty neat because it provides continuous maintenance/improvements to produts) since this game is easily bottable, as D3 is.
It would give casual botters the feeling that they're being put aside. But without a good user-based a product is nothing. What if tomorrow AIF is being put on the store at the price of 100$, yes, it'll provide me some huge cash, and so what? I'll have 10 users or so q_q'ing for features and i'll get pissed because they'll ask to get them fast.
A community helps a lot to avoid these cases.
That's why I never sell any plugins, the hassle is too big. And that's why we all put donation buttons/links, because well, if people wanna give 5 bucks to show some support, it's better than paying 50 bucks and being pissed it's not updated fast enough.