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New Member
Dec 12, 2011
i just got 3 new acount baned after 12 (boted 3 rested 2 hours, ~7h of online time) hours they were lvl 20 smth, money well spent :(
in tickets blizz say that they detected third party software in my ram etc.
so buddy tem should rly look into this,
we realy need an option to change process name. so it wouldn show in proceses as honorbuddy, or autorelogger.
and things like "Honorbuddy - Attached to WoW with ID 1234" in my applications tab r just asking to get baned.
all previous bots i used before had an option to raname proces to any other application like skype.exe, or msn.exe.
so pls look into this and do this fast :)
i just got 3 new acount baned after 12 (boted 3 rested 2 hours, ~7h of online time) hours they were lvl 20 smth, money well spent :(
in tickets blizz say that they detected third party software in my ram etc.
so buddy tem should rly look into this,
we realy need an option to change process name. so it wouldn show in proceses as honorbuddy, or autorelogger.
and things like "Honorbuddy - Attached to WoW with ID 1234" in my applications tab r just asking to get baned.
all previous bots i used before had an option to raname proces to any other application like skype.exe, or msn.exe.
so pls look into this and do this fast :)
honorbuddy is not detected. have you filled out a ban forum?
u scared me to death whe i read the title and looked at my 20 bots at the left screen.. (and i saw the last writer was codenameG) XDDD dont give me a heartattack SON!
many ppl bot only 30min or 7 hour like this and got perma ban, and you say is not detected? ^^ ooh you make me smile ;)))
if your going to report a ban, you need to fill it out.
if you have an issue you need to post a log, its as simple as that.
many ppl bot only 30min or 7 hour like this and got perma ban, and you say is not detected? ^^ ooh you make me smile ;)))
many ppl bot more than 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, and are still botting without ban, and u'll say it's banwave and detected? ooh you make me smile... made my day :)

P.S. bots still running like they does every day the last weeks
I lost 8 acc today at 10:54 am, 2 of them were new acc that bought 2 days ago, and were botting for less than 12 hours with pause...
New pc, new acc, new ip and i got ban after 2 days boting 5hour in aday in total 10 hour, you again make me smile ;) change theme name, you again make me smile
if your going to report a ban, you need to fill it out.
if you have an issue you need to post a log, its as simple as that.

no point in filing any forms, will this get my acc unbaned? dont think so,
and there no logs for this isue i got,
i just stating what i think is wrong and yout teem should look it into this
i changed your title,since its against our rules
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I see all of these new reports for bans and how everyone wants to, essentially, blame the bot. Just because you were banned today doesnt mean that is when Blizz decided they were going take action against your account. It could have been days, or weeks ago when you were placed on a list and they just now took action. If, as many have been posting lately, you were told that they scanned your RAM and found illegal third party software, wouldn't that lead you to believe that they had a REASON to look at your account(s)? Ok, so you only used it xx hours a day for the last xx days but what about two or three weeks ago?

You increase your risk on servers that have a higher population of bots and in zones , like Uldum, where typically everyone farms for elementium. HB is the most popular bot out there, so dont go in with the impression that you are going to be the only one on your server who uses it, or the only one farming ore or herbs with it. You have to use some common sense when using it, and even then there is ALWAYS a risk.
I see all of these new reports for bans and how everyone wants to, essentially, blame the bot. Just because you were banned today doesnt mean that is when Blizz decided they were going take action against your account. It could have been days, or weeks ago when you were placed on a list and they just now took action. If, as many have been posting lately, you were told that they scanned your RAM and found illegal third party software, wouldn't that lead you to believe that they had a REASON to look at your account(s)? Ok, so you only used it xx hours a day for the last xx days but what about two or three weeks ago?

You increase your risk on servers that have a higher population of bots and in zones , like Uldum, where typically everyone farms for elementium. HB is the most popular bot out there, so dont go in with the impression that you are going to be the only one on your server who uses it, or the only one farming ore or herbs with it. You have to use some common sense when using it, and even then there is ALWAYS a risk.

ok and what do you say about acounts 1 day old, wich get baned before lv30?, boting from a new ip (caled isp and got it changed), was only runing those 3 new acounts nothing else. what do you say to this?
Tbh, 1st time i hear someone looses accounts on low level while leveling them to perma ban. I had one strange ban on one of accounts, 72h for abuse of economy on lvl ~40, for apsolute no reason as it didnt trade anything, only had like 20-30 stacks of low lvl stuff that i farmed in order to get him bags and stuff. But account is still working till today without problems, a year after that strange ban.

But anyway, the thing that annoys me alot here on HB forums, is that so many ppl have reported massive amount bans (and who knows how many didnt report anything) and yet all we get from admins (couldnt care less about random users spam post) is that you are only threatening ppl for bans from forums and some random rules for using banwave word or whatever, instead of looking into the problem. I do understand that your team is busy atm with making SWTOR bot, but you cant just leave WoW bot, Arelog and other stuff ppl allready payed you for just die, while its obvious that blizzard is upgrading their detection.

just my 2 cents.
Its just random somehow. I Botted 29 hours 1 day with BGBuddy got a 3h bann. Before no bann ever. I did Bot in Uldum 10 Hours or smth a day, then never ever too risky for me. I botted 20 Hours in Vashj a day no bann at all. In my oppinion you can Bann 24/7 the whole time with 1 account. All banns you get are caused by Player who report you. A GM himself or Blizzard dont put any effort in banning botter or anything they just wait till they receive Reports collect maybe 1000 names or collect 1 month player or smth and then bann them all over the EU/US whatever these Banns can be from 1 month ago or from the last action you did with ur bot. You can never say why you got banned exactly and how they do it, until a EX GM is in our Community :D
There's no "problem" so why should they allow people to continue posting saying there is? No one has left HB to die lol, so dramatic :rolleyes:
People need to learn some things.

If it was detected, you'd be banned on start-up or very soon after, if they had detected Honorbuddy.
You seriously kidding me trying to say that a low-level toon cannot be reported? Sometimes bot screws up a bit, sometimes you have a plugin that does some kind of weird move.. (Like stuckhelper sometimes making a unstuck move when not being stuck).

What makes you think that HB is detected? Because you spent a bit too much time farming or you weren't at your PC and someone whispered you, noticed you didn't reply and followed you a bit (and reported you).
I wonder how none of my accounts have been banned yet. Maybe it's because i bot smart, maybe it's because i've setup my bots to look the most human they can. One thing i can tell you it aint. Luck (if you're talking about being detected, no amount of luck can hide you on a software detection)