Never really interacted with the community, but with this last patch of WOW had some problems with the "CC" that he used.
I was willing to take the "CC" to use and give a studied. Even decide to create my own "CC". Without much information I had based on various "CC" of various authors. So I created the CC the Paladin Tank that is my main char in WOW.
I wanted to share that "CC" some people have supported me, others hated me. So far so good.
In another tentative wanted to share "CC" Feral Druid. Many liked this because it was what they wanted "END GAME".
The Moderator "CodenameG" made a post on topics that created the "CC" saying it could not use the code of others without permission, I was very sad about it. and I sent you a PM asking him to erase my topics.
Now ask the developers of "C C" .. which would be "COPY"??
in my case I had based on some "CC" to see how it worked, I took some functionality on which I see everyone using. If I put the same sequence Casts another "CC" will be copying the same?
Excuse my English,
I'm using google translator.
Sorry for any inconvenience or my ignorance on the topic.
I was willing to take the "CC" to use and give a studied. Even decide to create my own "CC". Without much information I had based on various "CC" of various authors. So I created the CC the Paladin Tank that is my main char in WOW.
I wanted to share that "CC" some people have supported me, others hated me. So far so good.
In another tentative wanted to share "CC" Feral Druid. Many liked this because it was what they wanted "END GAME".
The Moderator "CodenameG" made a post on topics that created the "CC" saying it could not use the code of others without permission, I was very sad about it. and I sent you a PM asking him to erase my topics.
Now ask the developers of "C C" .. which would be "COPY"??
in my case I had based on some "CC" to see how it worked, I took some functionality on which I see everyone using. If I put the same sequence Casts another "CC" will be copying the same?
Excuse my English,
I'm using google translator.
Sorry for any inconvenience or my ignorance on the topic.