I have achieved what i wanted with HonorBuddy, Got the professions, Gold, Level 85's Etc. Now my 3 accounts are inactive and i believe to be safe i dont know what to do. I would still be playing but with everybody leaving my server has made my server literally dead for now. I want to bot ! That is the enjoyment i get from WoW but I'm noy paying Blizz monthly fee to be on a dieing server. I'm definately not paying to transfer as it's to expensive ?300+ ( I have in total 5 account All Inactive ) I dont and never have made money from WoW. I was thinking of finding somebody to bot for, With them paying all cost and them keeping the account ( Obviously ). Like Bot till lvl 60 then hand over, I dunno just rambling sorry !. 
I was Thinking of SWTOR but as far as i know i cant use my HB keys. I duuuuunnnooo !! i built a PC to Use all accounts aswell soo. Boredom Kinda setting in 3 weeks into inactivity.

I was Thinking of SWTOR but as far as i know i cant use my HB keys. I duuuuunnnooo !! i built a PC to Use all accounts aswell soo. Boredom Kinda setting in 3 weeks into inactivity.