lol, i have accounts for both bots.. and Aio bot is overpriced for what it gives you, but as far as it goes.. it's excellent at what it does.
eg 4 days play time, druid from level 1 - 50 autoquest feature.
i havent had todo anything except train skills, set talents and buy new armor from time to time, which is the bonus about honor buddy, all those can be automated for you.
it's ran flawlessly, i've watched it on my main account with my level 80's and it's not jerky or easily identified, to another player it looks just like another toon. Infact i've had people invite me to group and quest while it was running
while i was doing an ICC 25 on a main... 2 screens so i could keep an eye on it.
it's easy to setup and as i said i've had no troubles with it. I do find HB to be a superior product and i cant wait for the new navigation / questing to be done but as far as it does aiobot does what it says it does with very minimal effort
in response to all the points that was made -
-Jerky movments - not even i've watched it on other characters and had people group with it (that i didnt know, just randoms)
-You have to run wow as admin -.- - I didnt, i dont know whats wrong with your PC
-You have to do quests yourself - no you dont, autoquest and it works perfect
-no grind+BG - there is a grinding and BG options and they both work (clearly you are just trying to troll) and they are adding in a dungeon mode aswell
-Terrible questing - as i said before questing works perfectly
-Takes like 7mins to kill a mob - no it doesnt, maybe you should train some skills and get some gear
-Hard to set up (at first) - no it's not, you login, initialize, select the class profile you want, select what mode u want (quest, gather, grind, BG) and click start
-Terrible community - it's a small community but people are always helping each other out
-(not racist) Chinese coders=terrible English - everyone on the english forums speaks perfect english
-Expensive $(us)15 a MONTH! - i agree with this, it is very overpriced
-Did i mention it is so obvious its a bot! - lol.. no
PS. Cant wait for HB v2 it's gonna seriously rock my world!!!