Select "Sell Item To AH: TradeGoods (MetalStone)" then modify the values such as "Min Buyout" lowest value your willing to go if you have ppl trying to undercut you to buy your items, known tactic by others "baiting" to see if bots automatically undercut any value. Max Buyout explains itself really, this is basically if your only one posting. then this is the start value, put it too high noone will buy anything from you before competitors start post at lower price. So put it slightly over market value then you can earn a little extra at times when your only one controlling that part of the market.
Post if Below MinBuyout = False Since ore is pricy to post we don't want to post a a higher value just so that there are ppl selling em cheaper, so then your "waiting", never accept following the market to the bottom then you better find alternative ways to earn, get someone to prospect etc...
Sell = Amount Be smart don't be a greedy bastard it'll only smack you in the face later on, set it to amount and put a reasonable amount, 10 stacks are more then enough to have posted at AH at any time.
UndercutPercent = 0.0001 I like 0.01, however play around with it, if there are ppl using TSM or similar bot it might drive the market down quickly.