Please discuss AH strategies for 4.1.0 release which has a few PTR notes but is still a ways away. This should help people plan for it.
Ore usage:
Epic gems will be the big deal in this release. I'm assuming Pyrite will have a small chance to prospect into an epic. Save all pyrite ore for the release and then prospect like mad. (or sell ore if you're not a JC)
Save all JC tokens to buy as many epic patterns as possible. Get as many epic gems of every kind, raw and cut into AH asap
3) Profit.
Herb usage:
Can't think of anything special yet.
Ore usage:
Epic gems will be the big deal in this release. I'm assuming Pyrite will have a small chance to prospect into an epic. Save all pyrite ore for the release and then prospect like mad. (or sell ore if you're not a JC)
Save all JC tokens to buy as many epic patterns as possible. Get as many epic gems of every kind, raw and cut into AH asap
3) Profit.
Herb usage:
Can't think of anything special yet.