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[AH] [QB] EyeCandy Studio - Draenor Farming Pack


Oct 1, 2014

Profile Summary:
These profiles will farm Timber, Mining Nodes, Herbalism Nodes & Skinning in Draenor zones.
The Timber profiles are split into 3 separate profiles, which will allow players with Timber Level 1 - 3 to make use of an appropriate profile.
I am trying to keep my profiles "Non-Faction" specific, so that they can be used on Horde & Alliance.

Bot Base:
These profiles require to be loaded with the Questing Bot [QB].
Suggested starting location will be your Garrison.

Version Notes:

  • Release 13.05.2015: Performed cleanup on code and performed detailed faction check on Vendor NPC's & Mailboxes.
  • Release 13.05.2015: Removed protected items override, as HB already included these in their defaults.
  • Release 07.05.2015: Added blackspot for a tree on the cliff near Hallvalor. Removed Telaar timber node affected by questline phasing issue.
  • Release 06.05.2015: Adjusted profiles accordingly to the standards as suggested by HonorBuddy.
  • Release 06.05.2015: Removed LUA Chat box messages.
  • Release 05.05.2015: Added huge list of important profession specific protected items.
  • Release 05.05.2015: Updated profiles with Mailbox/Vendor Functionality.
  • Release 05.05.2015: [AH] [QB] Nagrand : Draenor Timber Gathering (Level 1, 2 & 3) Profiles Release.
  • ​Initiated 03.05.2015: Project initiated.

Current Complete Profile(s):

[AH] [QB] Nagrand : Draenor Timber Gathering (Level 1, 2 & 3)

Profile(s) in queue for Planning & Development:

Mining & Herbalism:

[QB] Nagrand : Draenor Mining & Herbing
[QB] Shadowmoon Valley : Draenor Mining & Herbing
[QB] Spires of Arak : Draenor Mining & Herbing
[QB] Talador : Draenor Mining & Herbing
[QB] Gorgrond : Draenor Mining & Herbing
[QB] Frostfire Ridge : Draenor Mining & Herbing

[QB] Nagrand : Draenor Skinning
[QB] Shadowmoon Valley : Draenor Skinning
[QB] Spires of Arak : Draenor Skinning
[QB] Talador : Draenor Skinning
[QB] Gorgrond : Draenor Skinning
[QB] Frostfire Ridge : Draenor Skinning

Important Additional Information about this profile pack:
These profiles will check whether you have one of the following two vendor mounts, and use them accordingly when needed:

  1. Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
  2. Grand Expedition Yak

Please provide feedback if you have used my profiles.

If you experience any problems, please post a full log file and supply as much detail as possible for me to be able to replicate the problem.
Also try to provide the coordinates of the problematic location by using the Developer Tools in HonorBuddy.

Acronyms Used:

[GB2] -> Gatherbuddy2
[QB] -> Questing Bot
[GRIND] -> Grind Bot
[PB] -> Profession Buddy

[A] -> Alliance Specific Profile
[H] -> Horde Specific Profile
[AH] -> Both Factions


Our products & profiles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
You may share these profiles with anyone, but you are not allowed to make any changes and re-distribute my code without my permission.
You may not use these profiles in your own commercial products.


Item: http://www.eyecandy.net.za/hb_banner.png
Original Author: EyeCandy Design Studio
Date Obtained: 05-May-2015
Obtained from: Self, the artwork is original
License: Original artwork requires no explicit license for use in my own products.

Thread Management Rules

The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

Feature requests

Constructive criticism with specific details

Bug reports with a full log attached
Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log

Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:

Price discussions

Comparisons to other products

Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author

Theory crafting

General chit-chat


We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

Make sure you subscribe to this thread, to stay up to date with any changes.
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Nagrand Timber Gathering profiles have now been uploaded on the initial thread.
SVN will most probably be up and running tomorrow night. For now you can manually download the files by right clicking and "save target as".
Hi, Mandriva, and thanks so much for the contribution!

A brief look through your profile shows it is printing things to the GameClient chat frame. This is a major "no no", and we ask that you remove it immediately, please.

This article will explain why this is dangerous, and it also may yield other pointers in developing your profile. Please ignore the title of the article, and glean its content. Some of it is appropriate, and some is not.

Hi, Mandriva, and thanks so much for the contribution!

A brief look through your profile shows it is printing things to the GameClient chat frame. This is a major "no no", and we ask that you remove it immediately, please.

This article will explain why this is dangerous, and it also may yield other pointers in developing your profile. Please ignore the title of the article, and glean its content. Some of it is appropriate, and some is not.

Thanks ChinaJade,
I have removed the chat screen messages and re-uploaded the files.
I will view through the other thread when I get to work and make adjustments accordingly.
ChinaJade, the profiles have now been cleaned up and adjusted accordingly as per the thread you linked.
I have uploaded the latest revisions in the original thread.
Been doing some preliminary testing.
Everything works great so far. The bot Herbs/skins/timbers as expected.


1) needs a blackspot for a tree on a cliff just north of Hallvalor:
<Blackspot X="3322.176" Y="4519.53" Z="181.3619" Radius="30" /> <!-- timber on hill -->

2) The bot keeps running back and forth between a hotspot and a specific tree....just outside Telaar (crossing the waterfall/bridge entrance). See below for partial log...

[14:15:39.596 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'Waypoint(<3663.491, 5226.083, 51.12088>)'
[14:15:44.691 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 199.3, TtB: 45s)
[14:15:45.746 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 191.1, noLoS, TtB: 44s)
[14:15:46.783 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 178.4, noLoS, TtB: 43s)
[14:15:47.808 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 165.6, noLoS, TtB: 42s)
[14:15:48.810 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 153.0, noLoS, TtB: 41s)
[14:15:49.867 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'Waypoint(<3663.491, 5226.083, 51.12088>)'
[14:15:55.088 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 202.2, noLoS, TtB: 46s)
[14:15:56.104 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 196.0, noLoS, TtB: 45s)
[14:15:56.173 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[14:15:57.103 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 186.1, noLoS, TtB: 44s)
[14:15:58.132 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 172.5, noLoS, TtB: 43s)
[14:15:59.134 D] Activity: Moving to interact with Timber (id: 234194, dist: 159.9, noLoS, TtB: 42s)

Well...after some investigating...i've determined that Telaar AND the timber in it ...is actually PHASED.
I can see the timber on the map...AND I actually see one tree...but as i approach, the tree phases out and disappears.
This likely explains why I'm running back and forth.

There must be additional questline (I only ran the WoD 90-100 bot quests) to do in Telaar. Other players may not have this problem if they finished questing this area.

For now, I may just blackspot the area and continue testing.

EDIT: Just finished the "Shields Down!" questline in Telaar. Missed a couple of quest from before and never finished it. Anyhow...running the profile now and NO phase issues around Telaar anymore.
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Been doing some preliminary testing.
Everything works great so far. The bot Herbs/skins/timbers as expected.
How can you have it herbing/skinning when only the Timber profile has been released? Or is this the HB built-in feature, when it finds something to herb/mine/skin, it will?
How can you have it herbing/skinning when only the Timber profile has been released? Or is this the HB built-in feature, when it finds something to herb/mine/skin, it will?

Yes..this is the HB feature built in. As its looking for timber, the bot will herb/ore and even skin mobs like a regular grind/quest profile.
So now you can gather/skin AND collect timber at the same time. Not every other timber profile/botbase I've used will do that.

Starting from the Ring of Trials... my Alliance toon went straight into Wor'var...a horde town.
So anyone else trying/testing this...be careful.

On my horde toon...i came close to the alliance base/outpost, but never entered it. There's a tree just outside the front gate.
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Starting from the Ring of Trials... my Alliance toon went straight into Wor'var...a horde town.
So anyone else trying/testing this...be careful.

On my horde toon...i came close to the alliance base/outpost, but never entered it. There's a tree just outside the front gate.

Do you possibly have the coordinates for Wor'var? If not, I can quickly get it tomorrow.
I will add it into the blackspots so that the profile remains neutral.
I will also add a blackspot for that tree you mentioned and release an update tomorrow with both changes.
Tonight, I will get the coordinates for Wor'var and add that area as a blackspot. That should make all 3 Timber profiles run flawlessly. I have also removed the node which caused the phasing issue for the missing quest, although the code is only commented out. So if you have completed the quest chain, you can re-enable the code to allow you to farm that node, although I would leave it out instead as the area is well occupied with hostile mobs and does cause some deaths for under-geared players.

Once I am done with tonight's change, I will upload to SVN again.
I am currently leveling a hunter on horde which is now level 71, so hopefully by the weekend I will be able to get the Draenor skinning profiles started.
Contagion is also assisting me with the node hotspots for Mining & Herbalism, as soon as I get that from him, I will create those profiles and upload them into the SVN as well.

@Contagion, thank you very much for all your testing and assistance so far. It is really great developing for a community that appreciates your work, and that is willing to assist with getting things done quicker. This makes it worth it at the end. Community driven projects, by the community, for the community.
How can you have it herbing/skinning when only the Timber profile has been released? Or is this the HB built-in feature, when it finds something to herb/mine/skin, it will?

Soeski, yes. If you use these profiles, it will also gather Mining Nodes / Herbalism Nodes if you have those options enabled in your HonorBuddy settings. Skinning will also work if you have "Skin Mobs" and "Ninja Skin" enabled. Although, like any skinning work, the mob has to be killed, so it won't focus on going to kill mobs and skin, but it will skin if a skinnable mob was aggroed and killed.

I will be releasing proper Draenor skinning profiles very soon, if you want, I can PM you when those have been released.
Soeski, yes. If you use these profiles, it will also gather Mining Nodes / Herbalism Nodes if you have those options enabled in your HonorBuddy settings. Skinning will also work if you have "Skin Mobs" and "Ninja Skin" enabled. Although, like any skinning work, the mob has to be killed, so it won't focus on going to kill mobs and skin, but it will skin if a skinnable mob was aggroed and killed.

I will be releasing proper Draenor skinning profiles very soon, if you want, I can PM you when those have been released.
I appreciate the answer! I'm watching this thread frequently, so no need for a PM. Thanks!
New update just sent into the SVN (07-05-2015 @ 09:52AM GMT+2). Please update your profiles again. The Horde base camp issue should now be resolved, as well as some more mobs added to the "avoid" section. These mobs used to slow down the profile a bit as they tend to move in packs and cause deaths to under-geared players.

Starting from the Ring of Trials... my Alliance toon went straight into Wor'var...a horde town.
So anyone else trying/testing this...be careful.

On my horde toon...i came close to the alliance base/outpost, but never entered it. There's a tree just outside the front gate.

The horde camp should now be resolved.
The tree outside the front gate of the alliance camp, is the closest it should go to the camp. It's in such a location that it won't aggro the alliance camp.
I can however remove the node if it does become problematic.