Hi. I launch hearthbuddy as administrator. Looks great, and when i see Initializing Mapping system hearthbuddy stop respoding and crash.
logs here:
before update hb works normaly
logs here:
[17:09:33.672 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.435.94 starting.
[17:09:34.019 N] Attempting to log in...
[17:09:34.730 N] T: 5247144812168064900 H: 3750254655
[17:09:34.985 N] Login successful!
[17:09:35.157 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.435.94 starting...
[17:09:35.159 N] CPU Architecture: x64
[17:09:35.159 N] Process Architecture: x86
[17:09:35.159 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[17:09:35.159 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18449
[17:09:35.159 N] CPU Cores: 4
[17:09:35.159 N] Application Path: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\hearhtbuddy
[17:09:35.163 N] Checking for updates...
[17:09:35.353 D] Error : CardDatabase file is missing... AI Cant be initialized
[17:09:35.828 N] Hearthbuddy is up to date!
[17:09:35.828 N] Initializing Triton...
[17:09:36.382 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 2060
[17:09:36.511 D] Initializing Mapping system.