After a few seconds "You were dropped"... the bot did nothing. Sometimes it has picked the first talent. But then "You were droppped".. And I'm not able to rejoin the game. "Desync".
2015-10-24 06:58:51,617 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - You won the game. Waiting 15-30 seconds for leave button!
2015-10-24 06:59:01,932 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to BaseMapLogic
2015-10-24 06:59:45,679 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Match is starting! Waiting...
2015-10-24 06:59:49,430 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to BaseMapLogic
2015-10-24 06:59:49,430 [Pulsator Thread] INFO BotEvents - Map Changed to (Unknown)
2015-10-24 06:59:51,569 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG DefaultBot - Logic switched to BattlefieldOfEternity
2015-10-24 06:59:51,569 [Pulsator Thread] INFO BotEvents - Map Changed to Battlefield of Eternity (BattlefieldOfEternity)
2015-10-24 06:59:51,898 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 06:59:59,163 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 07:00:05,392 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 07:00:12,388 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 07:00:19,036 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 07:00:20,607 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Catalog - Loaded 983 entries for Unit catalog.
2015-10-24 07:00:26,248 [Pulsator Thread] ERROR CoroutinePulsable - Unhandled exception!
Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в Stormbuddy.Bot.MapLogic.BaseMapLogic.$1@"5#/4<@k89:Ro<gPXa?I`'.()
--- Конец трассировка стека из предыдущего расположения, где возникло исключение ---
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
в Stormbuddy.Bot.MapLogic.BaseMapLogic.@GY={BXUa:p';=7:tGqk$^9>!.()
--- Конец трассировка стека из предыдущего расположения, где возникло исключение ---
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
в Stormbuddy.Bot.Pulsators.InGamePulsator.@GY={BXUa:p';=7:tGqk$^9>!.()
--- Конец трассировка стека из предыдущего расположения, где возникло исключение ---
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
в System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
в Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.71WZKi'_6kZ(s4Sm(d$^GK%Z".@GY={BXUa:p';=7:tGqk$^9>!.()
--- Конец трассировки внутреннего стека исключений ---
в Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.?????????????????????????????????????????(Boolean )
в Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.?????????????????????????????????????????(Boolean )
в Buddy.GameEngine.CoroutinePulsable.Pulse()
2015-10-24 07:00:26,256 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-24 07:00:26,405 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:29,874 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:30,889 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:31,908 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:32,929 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:33,290 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultCombatRoutine - Current combat logic set to Kerrigan
2015-10-24 07:00:33,932 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:34,936 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:35,959 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:36,975 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:38,001 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:39,023 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:43,373 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:44,374 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:45,392 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:46,411 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:47,435 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:48,448 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG InGamePulsator - Idling for security pause
2015-10-24 07:00:54,303 [4] ERROR MainWindowViewModel - Game Process has exited. Shutting down!
Before the drop message appears, was there the cinema clip ?Yestarday all was cool, and BETA works very good. But today bot was updated, and i got "dropped" again.
StormbuddyBETA 0.2.584.85 starting...
CPU Architecture: x64
Process Architecture: x64
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.34209
System Memory: 15,92 GB Available
CPU Cores: 8
Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\heroes
Logging in...
T: 5247498877378870809 H: 1908498939
Attached to game: [6640] HeroesOfTheStorm_x64 (Hash: 7B2F02BC)
Initializing memory...
Creating Hooks...
Creating player alliance map...
GameManager initialized!
Selected new bot: Stormbuddy v1.0.0.0 BETA by Bossland GmbH
Selected Default version as the current combat routine!
Match is starting! Waiting...
Map Changed to (Unknown)
Map Changed to Temple céleste (SkyTemple)
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current game is loading... waiting....
Current combat logic set to Arthas
Current level: 1
Placing talent 1
Growing array @ 143504630 by 1
Growing array @ 143504630 by 1
Growing array @ 143504630 by 1
Growing array @ 143504630 by 1
Growing array @ 143504630 by 1
dont know, i wasn't near computer... Now works fine again.Before the drop message appears, was there the cinema clip ?