I was just questing in Gorgrond with Kick's profiles. But I was afk for like 2-3 min but kept an eye on my monitor from time to time. But then I noticed my bot making strange movements and casting Angelic Feathers on the ground and getting stuck in a questhub near some tents where questgivers are. It must have been around 1 min or so. I quickly stopped the bot, but then I noticed I was targeted by a Russian player. He targeted my quite long. I'm affraid to get permanemtly banned now. Since I was already banned once for using Gatherbuddy. That was a perm ban, but it got turned over to a 72 hour suspension.
I have 2 accounts, but this is my main account. What would happen if I move the character over to my other account? Will this account get banned then? Or will they ban the account the character was on when I used the bot? I don't want to lose the character nor the account. It's too valuable.
I'm desperate. I don't know if he reported me but I'm affraid he did.
I was just questing in Gorgrond with Kick's profiles. But I was afk for like 2-3 min but kept an eye on my monitor from time to time. But then I noticed my bot making strange movements and casting Angelic Feathers on the ground and getting stuck in a questhub near some tents where questgivers are. It must have been around 1 min or so. I quickly stopped the bot, but then I noticed I was targeted by a Russian player. He targeted my quite long. I'm affraid to get permanemtly banned now. Since I was already banned once for using Gatherbuddy. That was a perm ban, but it got turned over to a 72 hour suspension.
I have 2 accounts, but this is my main account. What would happen if I move the character over to my other account? Will this account get banned then? Or will they ban the account the character was on when I used the bot? I don't want to lose the character nor the account. It's too valuable.
I'm desperate. I don't know if he reported me but I'm affraid he did.
