Here's my situation:
Got 1million gold to sell in guild bank
I have following accounts: 1 unlinked acc with fake name, 1 unlinked acc with fake name, 2 linked accounts with legit CC and name = total 4 accounts
Last year i lost 5 accounts, 4 linked and one unlinked vanilla , they traced the transfer because i transfered gold via 'trade window' on vanilla account. Big mistake i know.
This time i want to make sure i don't lose any of my bot accounts. What do you guys recommend?
I plan on purchasing a 5th vanilla account, it will withdraw from the guild bank 250k gold at a time (think thats the max i can hold at a time). I'll then create a fake guild bank, store the one million gold in there, then invite the GOLD SELLER TO GUILD to withdraw all the gold.
Now if you're blizzard, would you not find it suspicious why a GUILDMASTER would invite anyone into their guild and fully withdraw all the gold? Everyone says inviting gold seller to your guild is another option without risk. My opinion if i were blizzard, i'd ban everyone inside the guild.
Also, i use VPN, so when i create the 5th vanilla account, i'll log onto a remote vpn address, so i have an excuss incase i need to file a ticket if they ban my mains.
Got 1million gold to sell in guild bank
I have following accounts: 1 unlinked acc with fake name, 1 unlinked acc with fake name, 2 linked accounts with legit CC and name = total 4 accounts
Last year i lost 5 accounts, 4 linked and one unlinked vanilla , they traced the transfer because i transfered gold via 'trade window' on vanilla account. Big mistake i know.
This time i want to make sure i don't lose any of my bot accounts. What do you guys recommend?
I plan on purchasing a 5th vanilla account, it will withdraw from the guild bank 250k gold at a time (think thats the max i can hold at a time). I'll then create a fake guild bank, store the one million gold in there, then invite the GOLD SELLER TO GUILD to withdraw all the gold.
Now if you're blizzard, would you not find it suspicious why a GUILDMASTER would invite anyone into their guild and fully withdraw all the gold? Everyone says inviting gold seller to your guild is another option without risk. My opinion if i were blizzard, i'd ban everyone inside the guild.
Also, i use VPN, so when i create the 5th vanilla account, i'll log onto a remote vpn address, so i have an excuss incase i need to file a ticket if they ban my mains.