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Any advice to minimize risk are there any settings I should know about etc etc
What battlegrounds are most ideal?
Also is it normal for my bot to be healing people without a target lol? Looks a bit sus.
Cheers in advance
More players = less chance of getting reported. I've used the BGBot all night for AV (Call to Arms) and have not gotten a single whisper or anything.
About the healing without a target: Yes. Most people are using macros to heal (mouseover macros), so it doesn't really look suspicious imo. And people won't watch if you got a target while healing anyway
Oh, and if you plan to bot all night, it might be a good idea to quit your guild before. People might wonder if you're online all night, and will most likely whisper asking you stuff. If you don't answer, the chance is high they report you.
ye dont worry about not having a target , with addons like Vuhdo and Healbot , you can heal raids without having a target just by clicking the players name in the Vuhdo/Healbot unit frame
Bigger BGs are usually better, easier to blend in with the masses. I like AV weekend personally, quicker games than most others, and lots of honor win or lose due to towers. Use BG Bot Beta, or if you bot a healer (which is best) use PvP bot with the Squire addon.
for holy paladin the Ultimate Paladin Behavior Tree (or however it's called) is an excellent PvP CC. It does lots of fakecasting, which baits interrupts and can hold up really well to multiple attackers while still keeping someone else up with beacon of light. Just set it on AV weekend with the healer CC and squire and /afk for the weekend lol