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Advice / Help - Reported


New Member
Oct 5, 2012
Today some guy sent me a whisper saying: reported. I wasn't really gonna reply, since I don't need to reply to anyone to prove that I am or I am not botting, but ended up saying something like "kk". That was like 3mins after he whispered me by the way.

Anyway, he ended up saying that he knew what I was doing, because I was following another botter and getting stucked (impossible, my profile has no stucks, that other botter was probably his bot account?) and that he whispered me 10 minutes ago (lol) and I was just trying to pretend. I was like.. whatever, you seem to know more to bots than me.. just in case I'll also report you and let blizzard decide.

After I said this, he starts to be super defensive, saying he has a degree in engineering (LOLOLOL) and he knows what he is talking about, that I should just move on with it. And I said, sure, but you're gonna get reported anyway. And then he said, I'll add you to my friendslist just in case you need another report and left WoW.

Well, Iam not gonna lie here, I know exactly who he is, even tho he replied me in an alt. He is a huge nerd and no one likes him in the server.

I can either go for super retaliation or ignore.. I dont really want to stop botting or lay low because of this (I bot like 10 hours a day with that bot account).. but any advice is welcome. I don't often mind these noobs saying shit, but he was just taking the piss and he's obviously a botter himself (saw him rambling twice saying he was gold capped in 2 chars).

Thanks guys <3
Don't need a degree in engineering to spot someone running into a wall.
Don't need a degree in engineering to spot someone running into a wall.

But in this case I guess this cunt needs a degree to spot a bot. \o/

Now he saw my alts and is saying he's also gonna open a ticket on the char where I supposedly dump my mats.
Some people honestly have no life, he's a fucking stalker.. looool

He lives in the same country as I do, if I get banned I am gonna find him, stalk him, and take a knife to his throat :]
Today some guy sent me a whisper saying: reported. I wasn't really gonna reply, since I don't need to reply to anyone to prove that I am or I am not botting, but ended up saying something like "kk". That was like 3mins after he whispered me by the way.

Anyway, he ended up saying that he knew what I was doing, because I was following another botter and getting stucked (impossible, my profile has no stucks, that other botter was probably his bot account?) and that he whispered me 10 minutes ago (lol) and I was just trying to pretend. I was like.. whatever, you seem to know more to bots than me.. just in case I'll also report you and let blizzard decide.

After I said this, he starts to be super defensive, saying he has a degree in engineering (LOLOLOL) and he knows what he is talking about, that I should just move on with it. And I said, sure, but you're gonna get reported anyway. And then he said, I'll add you to my friendslist just in case you need another report and left WoW.

Well, Iam not gonna lie here, I know exactly who he is, even tho he replied me in an alt. He is a huge nerd and no one likes him in the server.

I can either go for super retaliation or ignore.. I dont really want to stop botting or lay low because of this (I bot like 10 hours a day with that bot account).. but any advice is welcome. I don't often mind these noobs saying shit, but he was just taking the piss and he's obviously a botter himself (saw him rambling twice saying he was gold capped in 2 chars).

Thanks guys <3

Don't over think the situation. Most likely another botter trying to scare you. Degree in Engineering. Anyone with a Degree in Engineering doesn't go around flaunting it in some random WoW players face. So that was obviously a lie, as well as the "the reported ya shit". Best advice, ignore him and others like him. People will either report you or not. Nothing you can do to change that. Confronting them may piss em off to the point that they do actually report you. But I have to admit, I have used similar tactics before to scare a botter out of "my area". I wouldn't actually report them, but they don't know that. You been botting in my area, might be me you're worried about. Well probably not. Don't see many other players where I bot, and, I don't tell em I am an Engineer, I tell em "Gigolo".
Don't over think the situation. Most likely another botter trying to scare you. Degree in Engineering. Anyone with a Degree in Engineering doesn't go around flaunting it in some random WoW players face. So that was obviously a lie, as well as the "the reported ya shit". Best advice, ignore him and others like him. People will either report you or not. Nothing you can do to change that. Confronting them may piss em off to the point that they do actually report you. But I have to admit, I have used similar tactics before to scare a botter out of "my area". I wouldn't actually report them, but they don't know that. You been botting in my area, might be me you're worried about. Well probably not. Don't see many other players where I bot, and, I don't tell em I am an Engineer, I tell em "Gigolo".

Thank you Botanist your input means a lot.
When he whispered my alt about it being the toon where I'd dump things and he would also mention it in the "ticket", I saw him logging off, and logging in on the char that he first used to whisper me. I dunno, maybe he's actually opening a ticket about me, after all he's the guild leader of a well known guild in that realm, and has probably has nothing to fear by reporting others. (probably has other accounts under different ip's and mac addresses, but Iam speculating here, there's no way to tell).

I'll be honest, I don't care that much about that account, I just use it to bot for some easy money. But it does slow me a bit if it gets banned.
Should I lay low for a while? Or keep farming for like 10 hours a day like I have been doing before?
One report probably won't do much..
I've had accounts that got whispered more than 2-3 times that they've been reported and they're still alive. while other that hasn't received any whispers got suspended/banned (few months back).

The thing is, you're never really sure if you're getting banned or not.
You can only try your best to stay under the radar!

Double check your profile(s), run the bot supervised (as much as possible), switch up profiles or use randombuddy(to avoid hitting the same hotspots over and over) and avoid players as much as you can!
After that the only thing that could get you is a GM actually inspecting the account/toon.

Which shouldn't happen unless you get reported or you run your toon late at night (off-peak hours usually include bored bot-hunters) for extensive time online and a Gm just happened to stumble upon your character.

But then again, this is all speculations. No one knows for a Fact how blizzard Exactly operates, aside from blizzard itself.
people that report you are mostly self botting people just get the addon badboy and never recieve any message:) i had the same on alliance side another botter mage scum from another realm couldnt whisper me private so he had to spamm in it trade i went instantly back to horde since alliance are all reporters.
Thank you Botanist your input means a lot.
When he whispered my alt about it being the toon where I'd dump things and he would also mention it in the "ticket", I saw him logging off, and logging in on the char that he first used to whisper me. I dunno, maybe he's actually opening a ticket about me, after all he's the guild leader of a well known guild in that realm, and has probably has nothing to fear by reporting others. (probably has other accounts under different ip's and mac addresses, but Iam speculating here, there's no way to tell).

I'll be honest, I don't care that much about that account, I just use it to bot for some easy money. But it does slow me a bit if it gets banned.
Should I lay low for a while? Or keep farming for like 10 hours a day like I have been doing before?

I'm stubborn, I say carry on as normal and deal with the results. But thats just me.
Thanks for the input and the tips guys.
I have considered trying RandomBuddy at least just for the next couple days combined with loats of breaks and afk's during the day, just in case he actually wrote a ticket and I have a GM on me.

However I have a few questions, I installed the addon Badboy, looks great, I was also considering ShutUp AIML V2.0 plugin, but I am kinda afraid that its "AI" will give retarded answers to people that whisper me.. :P

Anyway, I was wondering if there is any decent App for iphone or something that would work with push notifications there (don't have an android), that could notify me everytime I have a whisper from another player. I dont even need it to let me reply, I could do it manually. I do use crazyremote (teamviewer but better) but it just serves to check the client from time to time.. and doesnt really notify me when "the action" happens. Any tip on the "app" and how to set ip up would be golden. Thanks guys
Do what i usually do. Get on an alt and kill him, camp his body, and call it a day :).
Do what i usually do. Get on an alt and kill him, camp his body, and call it a day :).
I just rolled on the floor laughing my ass off LOLLOL. I'll do that mate ahah.
I am still alive and kicking! Had some nice stuff meanwhile. ;) thanks for the support guys